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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Hicks_206 (DayZ)

  1. 4 hours ago, blackberrygoo said:

    Agreed . I don’t want these “unseen” devs that just give us filler after filler in the status reports not mentioning at all the changes they intend to make , until it’s too late and it’s already implemented of course .

    all the “deception” started when Brian and eugen started to take a “back seat” (about a year ago now) , since then Brian’s been unseen and Eugens been doing legit all the bitch work , often just handing off his portion of the status reports to the others as soon as possible . I truly believe the course of dayz development has been stagnated due to either the console development interfering (yes yes we all get it , they SAID it wouldn’t interfere but....) or just lots of internal ideas going against each other .

    if Brian and eugen were still the head of the public figure for dayz and also the creative leads , then I fully believe these weird changes as of late wouldn’t have been implemented (over saturated color of chernarus  , nights too bright and ugly , MMB/shift change to Ads , no dispersion on weapons , and other design decisions that will undoubtedly annoy the crap out of everyone). 


    Strange changes that shouldn’t exist are happening all too often as of late .

    What the heck? Unseen devs? You mean the people who are building DayZ?

    I stopped making commits and switched to managing high level vision years ago, Eugen is a *Producer* - aka Production Management.

    Hearing from people like Peter *should* be what you want. Engage with him, talk with him. He loves DayZ as much if not more than I ever did.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Irish. said:

    Well that was rude.. 

    Your response is that Ex did not read it right or at all? 

    And he was vague at best.. literally, Brian was in his post. That he prefers to work for free as a consultant.. that makes sense to you? 


    The truth is, there were major creative differences and you can read about them over several status reports.. over and over again, Brian would lightly touch the subject that PETER wants this.. while he wants different.


    Eventually Peter fired him, or he outright quit because he was tired of the BS. 

    Guys, jeez.

    Its literally what I wrote in the SR. I don't run the company, I wasn't the Project Lead - DayZ will be *fine* - Peter is still standing watch. <3

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  3. Woah. There is a lot of weird posts where people put words into my mouth.

    1) I love DayZ and that hasn't changed.
    2) Still here!
    3) I don't think FiveM is a company? I was referring to my work and home life both being all about games. I've been tinkering with writing scripts for other moddable titles as well. It really helps cleanse the pallete and give really cool ideas.
    4) I haven't posted in SRs lately intentionally - you can see my reasoning here: 

    5) Also I've been in svisket's basement.

    • Like 4
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  4. I see a lot of folks getting upset that bugs in legacy stuff isn’t getting addressed at the speed they would like, isn’t getting prioritized right now, or in general the move to Beta isn’t moving at the speed they would like (or in some cases – systems they are waiting for are not in game just yet). I’m sure for some of you this post will be a rehash of things I’ve said before (and I commend you for keeping up to date and informed on development ;) ) but for those that may have missed some of this stuff, I’d like to go back over it.


    With .61 we’re a bit backed against the wall, as obviously the lion’s share of the team are focused on the work needed for Beta. Add into that the fact that a good deal of the work and investigation needed to resolve issues on .61 is work that is thrown into the ether so to speak – work that won’t specifically benefit or apply to the Beta milestone and the systems impacted by that version. For example, folks have been vocal about issues such as duping, well spam, apple spam, and so on – the old adage of “a bandaid on a broken leg” can be applied here. Small fixes can be applied, with time and resources – but the root issue is how the old user actions and animation system *allow* for this type of abuse or issues to be present. Part and parcel with the entire impetus behind the new user actions, animation system, and so on. While as we’ve said – we *are* working on the critical issues present such as server performance, FPS drops and so on – our resources and focus absolutely have to be on the proper goal. Getting DayZ to Beta, and 1.0 (again – build version numbers do not equal a linear step by step path to 1.0 – we do not need to hit every number between 0.61 and 1.0 – it is for versioning, not an indication of the progress towards departure from Early Access)


    When it comes to mechanics and systems not yet in the game – I know I’ve spoken on this in the forums before (and by no means does Beta mean every pending system – but we are all working our tushes off to get the best and most critical in for Beta). A good deal of the foundation and spine of large changes to DayZ are directly tied into the technology that the Beta milestone is dependent upon. Infact – let me try and embed the original post I made here on the forums a bit ago:

    The spine of how you as players interact with the world is being removed, replaced, and improved – not only does this mean large changes to how DayZ feels – but it (the Beta milestone) means a large change in our focus from new technology implementation and prototyping, to bug fixing and content additions. By no means does Beta mean a “bug free” experience – but it does represent the largest technology change DayZ has seen since the new renderer – and arguably a much, much larger one.

    I, and we all know how frustrating it can be to be playing on the Steam branches of DayZ – as legacy bugs, and limitations of builds that are a good distance sometimes behind the internal development – but we hope that you hang in there, and continue to go along with us for the ride.

    • Like 25

  5. On 2/13/2017 at 8:23 AM, sneakydude said:


    Is there anything we can do, on our event nights. See this is a perfect time to parse what we have on the event servers. We all (meaning over 10 clans) fight it all out each Saturday nights and for other nights on EU, and NZ servers.

    The reason i ask this of you guys, is because we are basically putting the server and clients through hell. We pvp, with larger, smaller groups clans in towns, cities, and areas.

    Individual players are not able to do what we do on the servers. It is not just wide open combat but city, towns and such. It is really pushing the clients to the max. Which i need some info on this, to help find a solution to the problems. I cant stress this enough, how difficult these performance hits are taking on everyone.

    Its a private server, actually many servers. Normally runs great with players, groups etc.. but once you start having any interactions like the size we do 10-30 all in an area, to max 50 it all goes to hell.

    1. Could it be the items?

    2. Could it be the map, objects?

    Which files can we send from clients, or server to help reproduce information to the devs?

    Thank you



    P.s I am trying to be the voice for 200+ players, and find out what we can do. With the administrations approval of course for any server related parses etc..


    As we have discussed in the Status Reports - we are aware of, and working on the issues. However, I'll have Baty reach out and see if we can gather any specific profiling data from your servers.

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  6. New Exp/Unstable update today

    - Additional Fixes for known server crash methods
    - Attempted fix for invisible vehicles

    As always, when a build is on Exp/Unstable it is there for testing - so the aim is to find out if these changes were effective. Please file tickets on any issues you find at feedback.dayz.com.
    Expect character wipes for every exp update moving forward folks!

    We're still working on improving server performance, which when poor can cause the following issues:

    - Infected reaction speed may be reduced
    - Character modifiers/status can become stuck or not update properly
    - Infected can push characters through/into model geometry causing movement issues (unable to move in a given direction)
    - Collision/Navigation in some complex structures can push your character around
    - Issues with door states can occur
    - Damage being delayed

    • Like 7

  7. On 1/10/2017 at 4:24 PM, Colton Jett said:

    i ran into a wolf pack and when they attacked me or hit me it made me lag the fuck out as if the server was crashing or restarting. i had no control for about 5 secs. then it stopped lagging and i kept running. they hit me again and the same thing happened. every time they hit me it lagged me the fuck out. i lost everything i had after being alive for a long time. im super fucking pissed that the glitched out buggy laggy wolfs were somehow implemented. CLEARLY they need some fixing. 

    You are playing development builds, this absolutely needs to happen. Please file issues on the feedback tracker as you encounter them so we can investigate.



  8. Hey all,


    I wanted to take a moment today to elaborate a little more on what we're tracking as issues on 0.61 - and where our headspace is on them.


    We're tracking some issues related to degradation of server performance that can cause a lot of frustrating behavior. This didn't come up in experimental builds as it looks to have been related to some of the fixes in post 0.61 stable update builds, which didn't get as much attention as the pre-stable update experimental builds. This can cause stuff like player position getting stuck, player to player sync issues, slow infected, and several other issues. In addition to that, we're obviously aware of VOIP dropping off too quickly (distance wise), character heads appearing black, some client crashes, server memory usage (possibly related to the performance drop off), server crashes, and client crashes.


    Obviously there are plenty of other things I'm sure players want to see addressed - but will come with iteration, and of course the introduction of new technology. Things like improving the distribution of items in the economy, melee, sway, and so on. As well, don't forget we're still focusing team members on reintroducing vehicles to stable branch - which aren't yet where we as developers are happy with them - but players would like to see introduced. Rest assured, there aren't any major issues we're not aware of guys - but with a lot of things when the technology powering the title is still in development, a quick fix isn't whats needed - or even healthy.


    So just bear with us - file those tickets at the feedback tracker (Way more help than you probably know!) and keep putting your feedback into the forums.

    • Like 10

  9. First of 2017!

    - Testing fix for one cause of stuck character status
    - Attempted fix for common server crash
    - Testing fix for wolves killing players who have disconnected
    - Correction of sun position

    We'll have some of the servers with persistence off for some back end testing we're doing, and we'll be messing with AI population for the purposes of profiling. Other than that, not too much different with this build.

    As always, when a build is on Exp/Unstable it is there for testing - so the aim is to find out if these changes were effective. Please file tickets on any issues you find at feedback.dayz.com.
    Expect character wipes for every exp update moving forward folks!

    We're still working on improving server performance, which when poor can cause the following issues:

    - Infected reaction speed may be reduced
    - Character modifiers/status can become stuck or not update properly
    - Infected can push characters through/into model geometry causing movement issues (unable to move in a given direction)
    - Collision/Navigation in some complex structures can push your character around
    - Issues with door states can occur
    - Damage being delayed

    • Like 14

  10. 7 hours ago, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

    We need street lights mod and a guaranteed server slot mod more than anything.

    All slot administration, whitelisting, etc is done through 3rd party tools - attempting to mod it would be a waste of time.

    All that stuff goes through BE (BEC for example) - which I believe already supports reserved slots, it is just not currently permitted for DayZ.

    • Like 1

  11. 2 hours ago, Espa said:

    Hey guys! I know some of you are having trouble withstanding the cold, so remember to stop and make fires a lot! If you hit Cold and Wet status and you aren't on the move trying to remedy that situation, you will die. 

    If anyone of you want to play on a fun 1PP Heavy RP server with no KOS, come to http://aftermathdayzrp.com/portal.php :D 

    Just read over the rules and lore, fill out an app, and you'll be accepted quick for Whitelisting! Hope to see more of you there! 

    ^ This guy with the knowledge!

    • Like 4

  12. 3 hours ago, koffeekage said:

    they wanted to let the mass base use .61 before christmas, the hypothermia was new to the latest version and they must have run out of time to fix it without scrapping that original christmas plan. they were working until midnight locally to push it out and add the christmas trees.

    No - there is no known issue with hypothermia. This is functioning as intended.

    • Like 1

  13. 3 hours ago, Red_Ensign said:

    hypothermia is getting old fast.  if it starts to rain when you're nowhere near a building and you weren't lucky enough to find a raincoat when you first spawned, you're just dead.  period.  almost as quick as bleeding out.  yeah, and fireplaces are broken, which really fucking helps.

    last night I got caught in the rain in the woods, and not wanting to 'combat-log' to save my life, I got soaked and died.  but I got to a barrel and saved my stuff with seconds to spare.  then died 3 more fucking times trying to get back to that barrel before someone else found it.  I finally did have to resort to hopping servers to find one with sunny weather.


    and the black head thing is pretty annoying too.

    why did this get pushed to stable if it's still in experimental?  it's obviously not 'done' enough to be there.

    Fireplaces are not broken - if you believe you've found an issue with the functionality of them please file a ticket at feedback.dayz.com

  14. 4 hours ago, t3h_kgb said:

    So these have most likely been suggested before, but here goes:


    1. Dying because reasons - I'm sick of dying because the game decided I should die... Quite literally, there I was in a building, I had found a nice SKS with scope, good camo, assault backpack, etc... I fall over "unconscious" for NO reason (wasn't cold/sick/hungry/thirsty/bleeding/etc., nobody around, nothing), just fell over and died...


    2. Not being spawned next to the Denny's - Why is it that the very first thing I see on the screen, before anything is loaded, is "I'm hungry"!? And why does it take this guy five whopping minutes to die of hunger and thirst!? What is wrong with this guy's metabolism!? On any given fresh spawn, you're GUARANTEED to die at least 3-4 times before you miraculously stumble across some food... Good luck finding something to open it with, though!! The rule of two: 2 minutes, 2 days, 2 weeks - On average, you can go two minutes without oxygen, two days without water, two weeks without food... If you're going to have an apocalyptic survival game with semblances of realism, why is this so horrifically unrealistic?


    3. There's no food East of Chernogorsk - Seriously, I'm convinced that there are NO food spawners East of Chernogorsk...


    4. Being spawned on the coast... ALWAYS - No matter where you die, you are spawned on the coast... Worse, if you die with any sort of gear, you are automatically spawned as far away from your corpse as possible. Why? Because Day Z, that's why! I'm honestly surprised I was never spawned in the middle of the ocean....


    5. Spawned on an island - Thanks for that... The only time I find food right off the bat, and I'm spawned on an island... Hello, hypothermia!!


    6. The new server menu sucks - But at least the time is still organized by time, and not by the binary icons shown on the server menu! So it's extra-hilarious to "sort by time" and see all moons on either end... Seriously, bring back the old server menu, this one is ugly and bulky and has no useful information...


    7. I found a water bottle once... And a canteen... once..... - But those are spawns rarer than the gold god-mode crown... It keeps it extra-desperate, as you have to keep running around to all the wells in order to keep from dying... Which you're going to anyway...


    8. Please spawn me in a downpour - Cuz I love guaranteed death...


    9. It's not a game, it's a craps table with better graphics - Seriously, it's just like playing craps; you're never gonna come out ahead, and anyone who says they understand the game is lying through their teeth... There's no rhyme or reason to the game, it's all just one big crap-shoot...


    10. Any time a zombie dies, it creates an impassable clipping wall - It's no fun to get stuck inside a building and have to change servers just to get past a zombie corpse... Honestly, why are corpses impassable? Why, when something dies, does it not lose its collision properties, or at least drop said properties to manageable? Like how you can step over firearms and clothes and other junk...


    11. Collision detection - SERIOUSLY needs work... Doors especially. I can't even begin to count how many times I've been unable to get through an open doorway on the game...


    12. The nifty fence-hopping thing sure is nifty - But why does it only work when it feels like it? Too many times I've been running against a fence smashing "v" repeatedly, having to back up and take another run or two at it before the character finally gets it...


    13. The sun rises in the West, and sets in the South.... Honestly, which way does the sun travel in this game, and where is it in relation to the game world!? Are we south of the equator or north? Is this backwards-planet or something? It's SOOO difficult to navigate this game by any means other than roads and luck...


    14. Seriously, stop spawning me in the Northeast corner - I spawned at this little fishing village probably 5 or 6 times in a row... One of those times, I decided to go the other way... Within 50yds, I was at the edge of the map.


    15. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason to item spawns - Guns spawn in kitchens, medical supplies spawn in bathrooms, clothes spawn in shipping containers, and food, if you're lucky enough to find some, spawns in pants...


    16. Only one in 250,000 bushes will have berries - It's so rare to find berries in bushes that it's actually a completely useless game function. Don't even bother stopping for those bushes, it won't save you from starving to death for the umpteenth time because Mr. Ultra-Mega-Super-Metabolism can't go two minutes without eating all the things...


    17. Zombies still don't drop anything - It would be nice if you could at least snatch their clothes or something... No, there's nothing... Not a pen, not a fish hook, not a nothing...


    18. Books - I'm glad I can thumb through Moby Dick whilst starving to death... Seriously, these are mostly useless...


    19. What's wrong with the texture files? - My head texture never renders anymore; just turns black and void.. It looked kinda funny the first time, but it being an all-the-time bug, it's not funny anymore... Trees and shrubs also like to turn pink when the graphics engine forgets what texture files to use...


    20. Why is it so hard to hit something that's right in front of you, that your axe just passed right through!? - Hit detection and collision SERIOUSLY need work...


    I want to love this game; I really do!! I am a huge STALKER fan, and this game sort of has that same feel; almost like where STALKER would've gone had the dev company not gone belly-up.... But it's so broken that I just simply cannot.... Now to fight Steam until I get my 35 dollars back...

    1) Please read the Status Reports - choosing not to do so, or just skimming them means you miss vital information. 

    2) You spawn hungry, this is how it is. You are also not guaranteed deaths - survival is all about the choices you make. Make the wrong ones, and you can die. 

    3) Yes, there is food east of Cherno. Plenty of it.

    4) This is correct, you spawn on the coast. You always will. Spawn position is random from a pool of available spawn points, your distance to your corpse is not taken into calculation - and to be honest, we do not design the experience around getting back to your body. We design it for perma death. Permanent. Death.

    5) Best spawn in the game, to be fair. Outstanding gear chances on that island, and like all things in survival - getting off the island depends on the choices you make leading up to the swim. I have never died making that swim, ever - because I make sure to raise my temperature as much as possible before swimming and I prepare myself to start a fire when I get across the water.

    6) The old server browser is not coming back.

    7) You can craft water bottles out of leather, as well as find canteens, jerry cans, or pots to store your water. PET bottles double as potential suppressors and are thus limited - canteens are much more plentiful.

    8) Again - not at all a guaranteed death. The choices you make after spawning define your success or failure.

    9) That is your opinion. 

    10) I'm unsure what you are speaking of. Players do not collide with dead infected corpses.

    11) Again - PLEASE read the Status Reports or at least the stickied forum posts. If you do not follow development, then trying to judge development builds will result in a large amount of incorrect assumptions.

    12) Based off of reading this, I feel like you have not touched DayZ since 0.60 at the latest. Currently this is client side, and should work the second you press it.

    13) Not sure what you mean. However if you believe you have found an issue please report it at feedback.dayz.com

    14) All spawns are along the Eastern coast from the North to the South (With the exception of Kamy and Elektro)

    15) There is actually a fairly complex structure to loot spawns. We've discussed this extensively in Status Reports and forum posts. However if you have a specific question about it ,by all means make a forum post and ask away.

    16) This is a major overstatement. Only berry bushes have berries, and they are certainly not one in 250,000.

    17) Infected do have inventory, and they do have a chance to spawn loot. I find a significant amount of food and supplies this way. I feel again as if you are talking about an old build.

    18) Not at all, they make good sources of tinder for fires, and notes for players (when this mechanic is functioning)

    19) Known issue, please read Status Reports or at least stickied forum posts on builds.

    20) While melee definitely needs work - the system is a raycast and you will hit what you aim at, if you aim correctly.

    • Like 3

  15. On 12/26/2016 at 4:55 AM, MastahPace said:

    Hallo Bohemia Interactive,


    is it possible to have a full refund on this game please?

    I bought this game 2014 and Im very disappointed with the state of development.

    Steam refund didn't work. 

    I would spend this money on the upcoming Arma3 DLC's which were always good and worked well.

    No more DayZ for me. Keeps frustrating me. Sorry.



    Only Steam support handles refund requests. Given they denied it, and your claim of purchasing the title over 2 years ago - I'm going to assume it was a valid refusal.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Nodar Svanidze said:

    There are too many threads, different videos on youtube, some standalone versions some with numerous mods. I cant understand after all, does current DayZ 0.61 Standalone version have following features or not:
    1) Driveable vehicles;
    2) Base Building (Basic Shelters, or Complex Structures?);
    3) Dynamically Changing Weather( rain, wind, tornado etc.);
    4) Servers with different rules (Role Play style servers?);

    Thanks in advance for answer! 

    1) Yes - Although currently disabled on Stable branch
    2) Yes, basic camping style objects. Stone ovens, Camping Tents, Military Tents, Car Tents, Barrels for storage/tanning/fires, garden plots, with more to come in later builds.
    3) Yes - no tornados though.
    4) Yes, depending on how someone wants to run their privately operated server.

    I'd recommend watching content creators like:


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  17. 5 hours ago, ECO80X said:

    if you add function ON\OFF HUD menu, it will be great. With new stamina andhealth bar DayZ looks like battlefield or CS or another arcade shooter, not survival!

    Please leave profanity and vulgarity at the door and do not attempt to bypass filters.

    As it has been stated countless times, the UI just like the hot bar will be togglable.

    • Like 3

  18. Happy Holidays - one last Exp build before Xmas

    - Set vehicles to spawn prepared
    - Introduced first iteration of new vehicle sync
    - Readded vehicles to spawn pool

    We'll have some of the servers with persistence off for some back end testing we're doing, and we'll be messing with AI population for the purposes of profiling. Other than that, not too much different with this build.

    As always, when a build is on Exp/Unstable it is there for testing - so the aim is to find out if these changes were effective. Please file tickets on any issues you find at feedback.dayz.com.
    Expect character wipes for every exp update moving forward folks!

    We're still working on improving server performance, which when poor can cause the following issues:

    - Infected reaction speed may be reduced
    - Character modifiers/status can become stuck or not update properly
    - Infected can push characters through/into model geometry causing movement issues (unable to move in a given direction)
    - Collision/Navigation in some complex structures can push your character around
    - Issues with door states can occur
    - Damage being delayed

    • Like 14

  19. Greetings Survivors!

    As many of you know, the elements in Chernarus can be a real threat. After going over feedback through the Official Feedback tracker, an issue that presented itself in one of our most recent builds pushed to Steam came to light. The team is currently aware of this, and while investigation is ongoing in regards to a potential hotfix (no promises here!) we wanted all of you whom are adventuring in the wilds of Chernarus to be aware.

    Many of the in-home stoves and fireplaces are currently not accepting deposits, and *some* of the open air structures are also not allowing users to light their fires.
    While you may experience issues "placing" a fireplace, you can drop it anywhere in the world. 
    We've compiled a list of example structures that are perfectly safe to light your campfires and stoves inside of, while you're drying off from the rain. (Of course, lighting your fires outside of structures remains perfectly fine)










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  20. First of our post stable update exp builds:

    - Adjustments to Infected Aggro
    - Adjustment to preload of objects
    - Infected now attack prone players

    We'll have some of the servers with persistence off for some back end testing we're doing, and we'll be messing with AI population for the purposes of profiling. Other than that, not too much different with this build.

    As always, when a build is on Exp/Unstable it is there for testing - so the aim is to find out if these changes were effective. Please file tickets on any issues you find at feedback.dayz.com.
    Expect character wipes for every exp update moving forward folks!

    We're still working on improving server performance, which when poor can cause the following issues:

    - Infected reaction speed may be reduced
    - Character modifiers/status can become stuck or not update properly
    - Infected can push characters through/into model geometry causing movement issues (unable to move in a given direction)
    - Collision/Navigation in some complex structures can push your character around
    - Issues with door states can occur
    - Damage being delayed


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