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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hicks_206 (DayZ)

  1. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    #DayZ Logic

  2. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Question about barrels

    No sir - 8 days.
  3. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Question about barrels

    There is a lot of confusing questions in here - so let me try and clear this up. Quantities are per-server, not per hive. Moving a barrel away from a servers local storage to another counts it in the destination, and removes it from the source.
  4. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Any idea when the patch will come?

    Just as soon as those blocking issues in the Status Report are resolved, and barring any new ones ;)
  5. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Question about barrels

    Used to be that way in .58 - before we supported refreshing them
  6. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Random Events, Supply Crate, Supply Truck and Dead Survivor Corpse

    One issue here - Infected are not dead. Think - 28 days later
  7. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Question about barrels

    Last time I checked in on the designs, we fully intend to support "crafted" containers - so that will come.
  8. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Question about barrels

    Each barrel color spawns and maintains a level of around 30 per color, on .59 - with a lifetime of 8 days without being interacted with. The 8 days is refreshed any time you move an item inside it.
  9. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Using launcher (Private Shard)

    Example 1 is acceptable if limited to the exact situation described. Example 2 and 3 are not currently supported or allowed.
  10. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) Settings on accelerated time are functional - per server settings are really up to the admins. 2) When it comes to community run servers - they run whatever they want to ;) Officials should be running a moderately accelerated setting that allows for folks to experience both day and night during a standard play session. 3) Looks like you found that answer ;) As well - existing issues with server perf drops during player connections should be resolved when the queuing system is put in place. 4) This is really dependant upon the engine team completing the feature set of the new physics within the title - once we have parity, they can start shutting off the legacy usages - and thus the server can stop trying to operate both systems. 5) Last I spoke with our Audio Designer on this - he was actually beginning to prep for replacement of the original ambiance - he just didn't want to do it right before we pushed .59 6) Door states should persist - however weapon spawning randomization is next up on the task list for the portion of the programming team responsible for the CLE and associated systems. Regional control was a priority first, and then more than likely - a deployable servlet package that can be used for mods. 7) There are no plans for skateboards or scooters. The bicycle is actually damn near complete right now! Of course boats will be coming as well, but we haven't shown just yet what variants we'll be using. 8) I don't think thats within what we're aiming to do. <3 9) I feel like a broken record. Of course it is not visually pleasing - as there is little to no design or skinning work done. You're looking at something so very much WIP you actually have to opt in via a not exactly well known start up switch. The only thing its ready for test wise is major issues such as client crashes, etc - Once it is the default UI we can start looking at being concerned with how it looks. 10) We've actually spoken about this in moderate detail several times before. The damage system and player controller both are being replaced - and thus will have a major impact on how things such as this are handled. Including proper falling support rather than just dropping straight down like a board and breaking your bones in the process. 11) We currently have no plans to replace the existing randomization of spawn with a selectable one. 12) Within the scope of the initial 1.0 - probably not. That said, past the base game - there is a lot of room for refinement, and iteration - just like has occured for Arma 2 and 3. 13) This is definitely something that has been on my mind - and we haven't had time to address it yet. Exactly where we end up with this depends on Peter and I sitting down and coming to an agreement. So, I don't have anything new to tell you on this right now - however, keep your ears peeled. 14) Sprinting to those towns is -entirely- optional, not required at all. If players want to do that, they do it - but the supplies available there are not much different than any other near-spawn region town. If anything, the incentive is to head inland. 16) Further expanding systems that are already at their initial implementation (such as diseases and transfer) will be stuff handled later on - towards the beta phase. Once a base feature is implemented, we try not to spend too much time working on it during this phase - and move on the the next.
  11. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Going to switch gears and focus on exp update for tonight. Will continue tomorrow morning.
  12. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    In most cases, once the physics system stops calculating the objects movement - it changes to a static object. (Thus - a V3S hitting a boot suddenly ruins its wheels) - that said at least for vehicles we'd like to prevent this and treat the object as dynamic just before the collision. For player movement however.. I'm uncertain - as these things are calculated by the server.
  13. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) Its been considered - (Fake death) however to be honest, I wouldn't classify it a top priority. As far as imitating the walk / stumble of an infected - unlike something like The Walking Dead or Shaun of the Dead - our infected just aren't that gullible ;) 2) Yup! We've mentioned this before. Definitely going to include boats, as well as fixed wing aircraft! 3) We just don't think the TOH flight model/controls work for DayZ. We'd like it to be a little more complex than Arma 2 - but not too much. We're already increasing the barrier to entry via required parts and operational fluids. 4) We've actually been looking at this internally - we would definitely like to allow this, its going to have to be relooked at when some of the major engine work gets merged in towards the begining of next year. Keep your eyes peeled on the SRs. 5) Player faces getting dirty is something we looked at for lifespan (especially for characters that cannot grow beards like females) - we're more than likely going to end up talking in more detail about this when said major engine changes begin to be merged over and our toolset expands. 6) Definitively no. Sleep seemed like an interesting idea - but it just put the player in too many situations we weren't comfortable with. That said, Enforce Script should EASILY allow modders to do just that! 7) I hope you understand when I say I don't want to talk about the electricity system -right now-. Peter and the design team have put a lot of work into it, and I'd like to let them talk about it when they have something to show you all. 8) Honestly - I don't expect to see such a sharp change to animations and behavior for infected like that at this point. The focus is optimization in server cost, navmesh compliance, expanding the models, allowing them to be looted/etc, and generally just improving their existing behavior. 9) I can safely say I have not considered a soccer ball. 10) We definitely are interested in, and working on expanding the wound/damage repair mechanics when it comes to player damage, limbs, bleeding and so on. Some of those changes are still somewhat fluid as the design team is working on them - and waiting on accompanying tech to make it to the main branch - so, patience. 11) Yes - and infact, the DayZ Flies will eventually make a return. It has not been a focus so far, but most certainly yes. We want the decay of corpses to feel organic and not just blink out of existence. 12) Simply put - because we haven't expanded that area of resource management just yet ;) 13) It behaved this way for a great deal of time - if it does not now, then it needs to be written up as a bug! 14) No actually, we haven't looked at changing the control scheme -in that way-. I'm currently happy with the existing method of zooming in / zooming out. That could change however, as we're still in development. 15) I honestly do not expect so, no sir. 16) Peter and I both would love to be able to do this - but we'll have to wait to see if it is possible on the new animation system and paired player controller.
  14. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) BattlEye is an *exceptional* anti cheat engine. Additionally, we have used VAC alongside it for the lifecycle of the Early Access offering. There is -no- Anti Cheat out there that can entirely protect a product, let alone something that is constantly changing - merging out old tech, and testing extensive engine side changes. Protecting a title while its being actively developed all the way down to the engine level and still accessible to consumers is a VERY tall order. 2) Merges in of new technology will almost always help cause the cheating community to lose a step - that said its more the player controller that you're probably thinking of. (Which will have the largest impact on glitching and exploiting, rather than cheating). Systems such as the new damage system will have a larger impact on cheating itself.
  15. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Honestly its a little too early on to go talking in detail. Obviously we need to look at server impact, vulnerabilities in multiplayer situations, client side impact, and so many other edge cases for QA. Peter and I both wanted to give you guys a sneak peek at some of the stuff being worked on - but speaking in detail about something that literally just got merged in that day, without extensive QA/Bug Fixing/Regression and so on will only cause unnecessary hype ;) Its being worked on, we're excited to see it in game - and testing and iteration will reveal exactly how far we can take it.
  16. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    60 minute clean up on non base building type objects is fully intended. The economy needs to keep rotating to keep fresh.
  17. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) Answered that question just a moment ago! 2) Of course the new UI looks silly - its effectively programmer art. It has not been skinned, the design team have not spent nearly the amount of time on it that will be required to roll it out. This is why it is only accessible via a manual start up switch. It is -not ready-. When it is - it will replace the legacy technology. :) 3) To say 0.59 is all about vehicle desync is an overstatement. Improving vehicle position sync was one of the things we wanted to improve on for certain. I suppose if you got a bunch of players with a bunch of vehicles together, it COULD be about a demolition derby? Hehheh 4) Both of these systems are going to be iterated upon as development moves forward. Do not expect any of them to be working as expected entirely until the game gets ready to leave Early Access. 5) We just recently showed a good deal of work in progress screenshots from the new renderer - you can bet your bottom that as soon as we're ready to show more, I'll be putting them into the closest Status Report. :) 6) Obviously we are going to be working hard on iterating systems as we move forward, but its important to understand that we are still in core feature development. Nearly all the teams focus is on new systems and tech, and a minimum amount is spent on bug fixing and such - as long as this title is still in its development phase they are going to be bugs, things are going to break - the store warning is there for a reason :) That said - as we enter beta, most of our resources will switch over to bugfixing - as we *should* see a steady progression towards a more stable and enjoyable experience!
  18. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    We operate a special variation of the server executable with profiling functions that allow the programming team to dig into exactly what functions are consuming what resources. In the scenario, we can only operate one instance per server - and we absolutely need every server running at capacity as much as possible, so we have to cut back on the selection to ensure this. There are no features/functions/etc disabled - it sounds like you experienced a bug.
  19. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Yes - Peter wanted to talk about this in the next Status Report - but in short, most definitely yes.
  20. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) I don't want to give away too much before we're ready to talk about it. That said, we'll be using the dynamic events system for this.. soo ;) 2) Most definitely not - much like real life you have to select what you want, and grab it.
  21. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) As we've covered in the Status Reports - the programming team is working on resolving the issue. We had a fix out a few builds ago, but it caused other unforeseen side effects that caused it to have to be reverted. 2) Stealth is already functioning - as far as Player stamina, and related area - these will depend on the new player controller hitting stable branch, which as we've mentioned in previous Status Reports is looking like early next year. 3) Most certainly not - not to mention it would violate the little lore we have <3
  22. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Jesus man - structure your questions. ;) 1) Till server restart. 2) No. 3) N/A 4) N/A 5) It entirely depends on how things look in testing. 6) I'm generally not sure what you mean by this question - will telephone poles react the same way as someone tossing a canteen? No. 7) We'll have to see how it plays out in test - but initially supporting both dragging and carrying of corpses, and players is critical. 8) We're looking at suicide for most major melee weapons - nothing on the books past that!
  23. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    In short - Yes. I don't want to spoil anything before the team is ready to talk about it - but we're definitely looking at expanding player wounds and the treatment of them.
  24. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) No current plans for a trench coat. It just wouldn't look - or feel right with the existing mechanics. I firmly believe if we're going to do something like that - it should flow with the wind and movement ;) 2) Nope! 3) Unfortunately, after trying out the initial "underground base" up near Kamensk - we sadly discovered our initial attempt at making it work within the engine just wasn't properly preventing players from getting stuck / sliding into and under terrain / and so on. So, don't expect that to make a return any time soon. 4) We don't currently have plans to enable the powering up of such large power infrastructure like an entire powerplant - that said, we are working on usage of more man portable generators and their dependent systems. 5) I suppose we could add some new points in sure - just as long as they aren't too close to player spawns :) 6) We're definitely interested in increasing the options when it comes to non-fatal player interactions. That said, its a much wiser decision to make these changes on the upcoming new animation system and player controller - rather than try and make the changes to the legacy systems currently in game that will go the way of the dodo :) 7) Right now we don't have plans (within 1.0) to look at this, that said - development of DayZ is planned to continue for at least five years past 1.0 so the sky is the limit!
  25. Hicks_206 (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Right now it is a simple, and rather crude particle effect - one that we're very interested in improving, or altogether altering.