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About trudles3@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    The 37th Dead World
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  • Bio
    I was born once, and I'm not dead yet. The end.
  1. trudles3@gmail.com

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    My buddy and I tried holding someone up yesterday, and the person simply said "Aw, come on guys, seriously?" We shot him.
  2. trudles3@gmail.com

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    I don't KoS. Player interaction makes this game great, PvP and all. When I see another player I drop into a completely different mentality. It makes it so that becoming complacent means death, and besides, the last person who tried to KoS me couldn't shoot worth a damn, and I ended up getting some decent loot.
  3. trudles3@gmail.com


    It's a long "a" sound: Zahmbies.
  4. trudles3@gmail.com

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    This. After bullet travels the "effective range" of 400m, the bullet's speed and trajectory make the shot less effective, hence the term "effective range."
  5. trudles3@gmail.com

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    Sorry. Sounds like you're saying that the bullet magically drops straight to the ground after it's travelled 400m. Isn't ArmA 2's ballistics platform based on real life ballistics?
  6. trudles3@gmail.com

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    I'm confused at how this conflict even arose...the ingame description for the M14AIM says battle rifle. :P
  7. trudles3@gmail.com

    Memoirs of a broken man (very long read)

    I'm pretty new myself. Only killed one person so far, but he shot first. He should have had better aim. I'm kind of in the same boat as Looter, though I did just recently convince a co-worker to start playing.