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Everything posted by SwiftSpear

  1. SwiftSpear

    DayZ analysis

  2. SwiftSpear

    DayZ analysis

  3. SwiftSpear

    Why did you shoot me.

    Well, then he'd only get your bandage. Where as, if he shoots you, he gets all the stuff you've looted, your gun, your ammo, and likely not as many zombies around as if he had just shot a random zombie to get the loot in some random house. Shooting you is a REALLY REALLY good deal. You've spent hours looting already, you have better stuff than any random drop. What needs to change is that murder need to be penalized WAY more heavily, and random drops need to not be so abysmal such a high percentage of the time. Social engineering is extremely unlikely to ever fix this problem because it's just statistically too worth while to steal gear from players as opposed to getting it from the wilds.
  4. SwiftSpear

    DayZ analysis
