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About haseo461x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think the idea of spawning with some type of melee weapon would be cool. Or at least adding in random melee weapons around the coast. The fact that in some cases I'm forced to respawn repeatedly to find a weapon kind of sucks. Honestly, I think if the hyper-realism thing is to be kept true, people should be able to go to any tree or bush and grab a stick that does little damage but can at least fend off a zombie.
  2. haseo461x

    Axes and guns?

    What I don't understand is that i cannot have the hatchet/axe as a secondary weapon. What i am running into when I'm first starting off after death is that once i get a gun, i try and keep it for as long as possible but if it low on ammo, i cant just simply quick switch to the hatchet. I hope they have some changes in the works for this because even keeping the "hyper realism" game play true, I'm sure i can drop a gun and switch to an axe on my belt to hit a zombie in real life.
  3. haseo461x

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Player ID (Not SteamID): ownage21 Why do you wish to join the Militia:I am extremely intrigued about the concept of this game and would love to get into this game. It is also hard to find a solid group of players to play with. What can you offer the Militia: For ARMA 2 I was apart of the 7Cavalry and made it to SPC rank, which is a 1 year commitment. I had to stop playing because of other commitments but I am looking for something similar without all of the extreme tactical realism. Are you a team player:Absolutely. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I gave up my life several times in ops with the 7th Cavalry and have awards to show it. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:As stated before, 7th Cavalry. Extra Information:I am free most nights after 6 or after 10 due to my work commitments. Willing to be on whenever needed and I'm always on some type of voice client.