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About Syrius

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    On the Coast
  1. Syrius

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    I would consider it to be a valid experiment on the ability of video games to warp the minds of people too weak to know the difference between reality and fantasy. Killing pixels is not the same as killing a person, so I don't feel any morality one way or the other when I shoot someone in a video game. I have killed people in real life, so I know how bad it feels. It irks me when people try to say that a video game is an excellent measure of morality. It isn't. At all. It's a game. It is meant to be enjoyed...nothing more. I enjoy getting a one-up on people in this game and stealing their shit. I don't enjoy it in real life. Do you suggest that morality comes into play only in the matters of life and death? Do you suggest that morality even comes into play in a video game? No disrespect to you , but I think you are very biased towards morality experiments. Probably due to your own personal experiences. While killing people in real life is not comparable directly to killing people in a game , some aspects of it bleed over. Our brains are weird like that :D It would be inhumane to kill people for the sake of experiments so duplicating sensations using a video game is an apt way of going about this kind of an experiment.
  2. Syrius

    [v1.5.6] Zombies / Loot Spawn Issues

    Yup , spent about 3 hours today trying to find items in-land and then in cherno, nothing was there apart from backpacks(player dropped most likely) and more importantly didn't encounter a zombie the entire 3 hours.