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Everything posted by cakekyst_85

  1. Like the title says, I have my own server with about 4 other people that I have met on the forums. We are looking for a few people to come join us and start a clan and just have fun. We normally play at nights until late. The server is PST time. If you want to come join our group and kill some Zeds and be protected from bandits and protected while looting then leave a reply or friend me on skype: cakekyst_85.
  2. cakekyst_85

    Looking for new players

    add me i just started 2 days ago, cakekyst_85 skype or steam
  3. cakekyst_85

    Looking for people to play with

    add me steam and skype, cakekyst_85. i'm on the east coast and play all times of the day