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Everything posted by doublewar

  1. doublewar

    Option to nerf PvP?

    I like how the people that argue the current PvP is best use the game's dedication to realism as their greatest argument. guys, morphine CURES broken bones. You regain blood by gorging yourself with food, which somehow hasnt gone rotten. theres a fricken zombie apocalypse, and, most importantly, you're playing a video game. now with that settled, I'd say that an option to nerf PvP on your server should be implemented. It's getting to the point where people just shoot anyone on sight. easy, rewarding, and safer than to show yourself to a potential bandit. you crawl out a building and a sniper gets you from a distant hill. Walk into a town and get shot without ever even seeing your killer. It's less of a zombie survival game, more of a 1-shot-kill scoreless camper-filled deathmatch with zombies. I get this is more of a simulation, and 1-shot-kills is realistic and some people prefer it that way. But it doesnt work as intended when there's no penalty for murder, unless the game can also simulate IRL mental trauma in players, and make them consider the morality of their actions. It'd be nice to at least have a server OPTION to nerf PvP (PVP: Fun or Realistic). or even an easier-to-implement option to make your server completely cooperative (Friendly Fire: Off or On)?
  2. doublewar

    Option to nerf PvP?

    "If that's not the game you're looking for, then you're not looking for DayZ. That's okay. It really is. There are other games and other communities. You don't have to change DayZ to fit your preconceptions of it - just go find a game that already meets your expectations." with reasoning like that, you shouldnt be on the suggestions board. This section of the forums is for people to suggest improvements for the game, not for them to be told to leave due to making a suggestion. I never said the game sucks and I dont like it, it's a brilliant game. I'm just making a suggestion on behalf of all the people I know dislike the hardcore PvP, and on behalf of the many people saying "nerf PvP!". And you're acting like I'm asking for the game to be rebalanced so zombies are as big a threat as bandits. And your acting like I just said to nerf PvP game-wide. Are you illiterate, or too lazy to read the suggestion? I'm asking for something simple. weaker player-to-player damage server option, or a friendly-fire-off server option. I believe that it would improve the experience for many people, mainly the more casual gamers, who are also asking for similar changes. The difference between me and them is they tend to have unreasonable suggestions. I'm going to keep my suggestion here, and keep playing DayZ. And I'm going to encourage other worthwhile suggestions, or give USEFUL feedback. If you have a problem with that, just go and find another forums board.
  3. doublewar

    Option to nerf PvP?

    people are way too touchy around here. I'm not asking that the game be reshaped the way I demand it. I'm just asking for an OPTION to please both sides of this argument. "learn to play and you won't have a problem with PvP." I'm just speaking for all those people that want to have an option to play a more cooperative game mode. I know how to play the game. I just want an option to play it differently. "You are asking for our reasons of play to be toned to YOUR level, taking what WE want or like and changing it to fit how YOU want it." you're not a developer of this mod. try to live with that fact. You talk like this game belongs to you, and your opinion is the only one that matters. Some people want to play the game your way, some want to play another way. We're asking for a way to do BOTH. You can still play the game with your insane PvP. "How would you like it if you bought a house, but I wanted you to tear it down?" what the hell? what does that have to do with a nerfed-PvP server option on dayz? are you saying you bought dayz from its developers, and I'm demanding you delete it? this metaphor just makes you sound right, without relating to the topic in any way. the fact that you resorted to that cheap argument because you couldnt come up with a real argument is sad. "Player-to-Player experience is more than half the game, and taking it out, or toning it down, ruins the game." no one asked to take it out. no one asked to tone down the PvP across the entire game. are you on the wrong thread, man? we're asking for an OPTION to have this. You can still play on a normal server, with your normal PvP, while we play on a nerfed one. this is like complaining to terraria for making minecraft 2D, when you want to play it in 3D. why complain when you CAN STILL play it 3D? "Like building a castle without walls, or with a picket fence instead." according to that metaphor, we're suggesting the game be made worse. well that's an opinion, and my opinion differs from yours. Like I said, I'm asking for an OPTION. I'm not suggesting that PvP be nerfed across the entire game, like everyone else. "You have a different taste? Then find a different game." still think your opinion is the only one that matters, and that you made this mod yourself? get off your high horse, man. You're not as important as you think. "People are tired of reading the same crap. You are trying to nerf a core mechanic of the game." no, I'm not. that "core mechanic" will still exist just as it is. I'm suggesting that a server option be given to make it possible for another version of this mechanic to coexist. "Angry kids who won't learn to play the game want it made easier." I wasnt having a problem with the PvP. But I saw that a lot of people get fed up with it, and I decided not to invite some of my friends to play with me because I knew they wouldnt like the overpowered PvP. I made my suggestion because I wanted an option to play the game centered around surviving from zombies and scavenging for resources, to give my casual gaming friends a more enjoyable experience. I dont see what the downside to that is, how does it affect you if I play on a different server as you? "if you nerfed PvP this game would not be the same at all. there's a million zombie killing games why would people play this?" Again, not saying to remove the PvP across the entire game. you can have your PvP still, it'll work just fine. If you didnt even read the suggestion, then your opinion isnt relevant here. There are people who would enjoy this game more if the PvP was nerfed. The other zombie killing games are nothing like this, This is a much more enjoyable experience than left 4 dead or resident evil. I dont see why giving another server option would suddenly transform this game into a zombie game clone, are you saying that after all their hard work, the only thing the devs accomplished was PvP with too much damage? Thats the only thing that makes this mod unique and enjoyable? you should play the game more. "Anyone who says nerf the PvP doesn't understand what makes this game great." And you have the ability to reads the minds of over 300,000 people? some people like the PvP. some people enjoy scavenging, exploring, and playing cooperatively more. there's people who have different opinions as you. I'm suggesting we please both sides. deal with it. "I agree, PvP is just out of control on all severs and it is just taking away form the people who are just trying to actually survive, like the game is intended" PvP is completely out of control, yeah, but it seems thats what the dev's intended. I'd like it if the devs also realized that theres a playerbase that isnt up for the 1-shot-kills PvP that limits exploration and the cooperative experience. There are people that love the scavenging and exploring aspect of the game, and just want to play without being killed at random, might a well have a game mechanic that will randomly kill you at some point while playing without any fault of yours. Some people like that, and thats cool. Keep your PvP, we have our PvP, everyone is happy. The people here treat this game like it is their creation, I'd like to know how much time and effort they put into creating it. "Game would be first of all boring" That's not a fact, its an opinion. many people prefer to fight zombies, scavenge, explore, and team up with survivors rather than be killed without a fair fight. Besides, you can still play with normal PvP according to my suggestion. In the end, all of you are just being unreasonable. You are too stubborn and self-centered to even consider other people's opinions. If giving a nerfed PvP option will shut everyone up, give some people a more enjoyable and cooperative experience, and still let you play just like before, then why the hell not give that option? It's not like I'm saying "screw you!" to your way of playing, even though thats exactly what you do to us. I'm asking that we KEEP your PvP, you'd know that if you actually read the suggestion. No one's arguments gave any real downside to this, they just said why they wouldnt play on a server with nerfed PvP. Like I'm forcing them to or something.
  4. doublewar

    Option to nerf PvP?

    "Murder works as intended, the target is DEAD and you wanted them dead. Pretty simple." that wasnt my point, but in a way proved my point. "Also, canned food lasts a freaking LONG time." now you're just trying to disprove the small details I said to make it seem like I dont know what I'm talking about. Hey man, I got an opinion. deal with it. "And imagine this, that morphine doesn't magically fix your leg, you set it, which is extremely painful, and you couldn't even MOVE that leg without that kind of strong pain reliever." what? alright, so this leg, which is broken according to the in-game graphic, suddenly functions completely normally, even allowing you to run, when the pain is relieved? I dont think that's how it works. But again, what is the point of trying to discredit 4 words I said? "If you don't want to be shot, jump to a low population server." that doesnt guarantee a nerfed PvP experience. "And last, I agree that food shouldn't magically give you more blood. Make it HARDER!" alright now, go troll somewhere else -.- DevilDog, your opinion was duly noted. I'm still gonna suggest that a nerfed PvP option is added for servers, for the people more interested in cooperative game play and scavenging. "not complain on the MB because that won't change anything" I'm on the suggestions board, making a suggestion. I dont see why people on the forums are so strongly against this. I'm not suggesting that the devs nerf PvP across all servers, just an option to nerf just like we have an option to disable 3rd person, and crosshairs.