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About simple69

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  1. simple69

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Those are the files I grabbed. Ever Since then it started logging those lines like crazy. Hope they take that one out as my file is now over 30mb in just a few hours.. Thats crazy.
  2. simple69

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    This has been asked 2 times now in the post and been ignored. I updated my files today with the new updates and my scripts.log file in the last 2 hours has grown almost 15mb. This line keeps spamming for everyone super fast and hard for me to monitor the file now. 14.08.2012 17:04:02: <Player name, IP, GUID> - #41 "de\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf"; How do i disable the logging of this event. Its driving me nuts.
  3. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Hey Garro can you PM me your skype or if guys have vent or something?
  4. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Hmmm might be fixed. Nice... :) Now where was your camp?
  5. simple69

    UK124 Server - Hacked

    I am going to ask today. to see if they can or if it gets passed off to DayZ to look into it.
  6. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Do you still have them after the restart? If you do I think you could be right. :)
  7. simple69

    UK124 Server - Hacked

    The night I decide not to play and this happens again. Sorry guys we are really trying to track these guys down. REC5| Fyrex
  8. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    lol ya. We had a helicopter for about 2 hours maybe. We flew around the edges of the map just to see if we could find some vehicles. We though maybe a hacker summoned them all to a corner of the map somewhere. We were gonna satchel charge them so it would force them to respawn. We found absolutely nothing other then a bunch of camps. can't believe how easy it is to see camps from the the air. Its really disappointing. I hope they can maybe change the color of tents or maybe have them render at closer distances. The trees offer no concealment for tents at all. We landed the heli in a pretty good hiding spot and it was gone the next morning. We waited around teh heli for about 30 minutes to see if we were followed to. Then we read on the forums that heli's aren't saving so ya what else is new. :)
  9. I am one of the Admins for UK124 and it would be nice to get the names of these guys. They have totally destroyed the vehicles on our server and were still trying to get it sorted out with Vilayer, we may have to have it either re-installed or restart the mission. Vehicles aren't spawning and they aren't saving at all anymore. bah.. REC5| Fyrex
  10. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Hey INC Garro, Ya we havn't found any vehicles at any camps at all. For 2 weeks we have been checking all the spawn points and nothing. So we started going camp hunting, found a few camps but zero vehicles. We try other servers and find tons of vehicles at the spawn points. No idea what the issue is to be honest, we have tried vilayer but they keep telling us they will let us know but they never reply back. Its getting annoying. Also Garro, Better start thinking about protecting your camp from the air. :) On another server we had the perfect setup, 2 ATV, VS3 Civilian and a nice spot for our camp and it got raided after 1 night. Dang helicopters. REC5| Fyrex
  11. simple69

    Disappearing Vehicles

    We noticed it close to 2 weeks ago. We thought our camp had been raided because our 2 atvs, hatchback and van disappeared but tents were intact. A few items were missing from tents so we thought we were raided. We packed up some stuff and headed further north. we placed some tents and moved our most valuables things north, We got luck and found a truck and 2 atvs and a motorcycle. We thought things were good and then we noticed alot fo activity around our camp again and decided to move before it was found. So we moved east and we had a good setup. vehicles lasted about 2 days and then they were gone, we though we were raided but this time we kept vehicles empty and all the good stuff was in tents. We couldn't fathome why someone would steal 4 empy vehicles and not fill them first. We thought it might be hackers summoning vehicles becuse the server got bad for awhile.. So we were just gonna let the server run out and play on another. But we found the same thing happening on other vilayer servers. Since returning back to our server wehave found a atv that disappeared the next day and bicycles and other small vehicles that just keep disappearing after restarts. So we started asking questions to the vilayer guys but not getting anywhere. So your not alone :) REC5| Fyrex
  12. simple69

    M107 TWS on UK 124

    Do you have any of their names, I am 1 of the server admins on UK124 and we have been trying to find out who it is thats hacking on our server. This would really help us out. Thanks, REC5 | Fyrex
  13. Hey Johnny, We purchased our server about 4 hours ago, UK150 and it seems to be online and listed in the server list but when we connect we are just stuck at waiting for host and nothing happens. can you look into our order and see what might be the issue. Thanks JoshB, Fyrex
  14. simple69

    question about servers!

    3DP is third Person, CH is Cross Hairs and NP is Name Plates I believe ( which is the same as NT)
  15. simple69

    Hatchets Everywhere!

    I love hatchets.. :) Its pretty much the only weapon I get to use now a days