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About TheAsianMonk

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  1. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    How about reading the other posts before commenting? WE TOOK MULTIPLE FUCKING TRIPS.
  2. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    hackers took ural :(
  3. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    we were 100% sure it was safe when we stared. dont ask how. we took multiple trips with empty packs, don't worry.
  4. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    Finally, someone understands us. Beans for you mister.
  5. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    going back in later. we should post another thread if we catch it on fraps :3
  6. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    As for the tents, we had no time. Every once in a while we go to their server to spy on em. Next time they leave, we're gonna re-loot it for the rest of their things, and possibly destroy the tents. If we do, expect to see the video :D
  7. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    Prove it :P remember, we took almost everything. filled a ural like all the way.
  8. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    If we didn't alt F4 and stayed to fight, we would have A) killed them or B) get killed. Both options include them finding out our names and banning us from the server. We left to protect our identities, not to protect our lives. If they would have found out our names, we could have been banned (admin abuse) and then we couldn't loot the area for the rest of their shit.
  9. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    say "Oh, cool... I don't know you" if you're gay!
  10. TheAsianMonk

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    comment what you think on the video!
  11. TheAsianMonk

    Best places to find tents?

    i've heard there are many in stores... not sure if true tho :/
  12. TheAsianMonk


    Today, me and my buddy were snooping around in the north apartments in cherno. We were in the top floor of the apartment, when I heard a shot. The bullet hit me, and I panicked, returning fire all over. I was shot to death, but my friend avenged me, killing the player that shot me. The player was heavily armed, holding a as50 with tons of mags, and a pdw-sd. While my friend was looting him, the server reset. It caused my body, all my loot, and all of the dead player's remaining loot to disappear. The server was US 447, and now whenever I try to join it, I am kicked almost automatically. tl;dr. We killed the host, he did a server reset in attempt to keep his items from us out of spite. I believe he has abused his rights, and should not be able to do that. His In-game name was Sam_Kirk. Edit: time was approx. 10:30pm eastern
  13. TheAsianMonk

    Need a Sniper

    dr, add me on steam? my name is M0HNKE on there... yes, that is a zero lol
  14. TheAsianMonk

    Need a Sniper

    Hello, my friend and i are looking for 1 reputable sniper. Add me on steam! Just reply on this thread and we can talk. Please no low skill enfield/cz550 noobs.