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About VVired

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the game developers not citizens of Greece? If so, couldn't someone contact an embassy of which ever state they are citizens of?
  2. soooo you're trying to set up an authoritarian regime that rules basically as an oligarchy? Thats not how the government of the United States works. Why don't you just go with the Westminister model of government with bicameral legislature, one representing citizens and one representing the members of the military (which is how the United States basically works off). If not, then at least call the council the Congress or something and have annual elections for both the members of Congress and the President. EDIT: The US is bicameral but I did not mean that one branch represents members of the military.
  3. VVired

    Thanks for the re-arming

    Thanks for the double post
  4. VVired

    Admin Abuse

    If you really have a problem with admin abuse from the admin of whichever server, you should post a report in the respective sub-forum instead of here.
  5. Hey Nort, just for future reference, you can get dead bodies out the vehicle by switching to whichever seat the body is in. I.E, to get dead body out of driver's seat, a player needs to go into the driver's seat.
  6. VVired

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    Probably a bitter solution of contempt and intolerance for those that assume and judge without credible evidence? EDIT: I don't mind if OP calls hackers dickheads/douchebags/assholes/contemptible member of a video game/whatever else BECAUSE of hacking, but to make assumptions and generalize a potentially diverse demographic (or even just an individual for that matter) on the foundation of an EXTREMELY trivial action stikes me as a precursor to OP turning to/creating stereotypes and stigma that parallels more serious subjects such as racism.
  7. I think I read a post awhile ago that here are scripts which makes your name not appear on the list
  8. You can't continually shoot and heal to get a hero skin as you lose humanity after shooting another player.
  9. VVired

    Unobtainable rifle in LU351

    take it if you feel like it, you won't get banned.
  10. VVired


    Just because there are already unrealistic elements in the game (like endless never spoiling gasoline in tanks) does not mean other unrealistic elements are justified.
  11. Imagine if you could access the dayz forums while in-game by finding a computer....
  12. VVired

    DayZ In eSports

    Again, regular arma and a zombie module off of Armaholic would circumvent using DayZ completely. It'll be much easier, production and entertainment wise. It'll be easier to set up without problems of servers/bugs etc. Entertainment wise as you can make it that players start with weapons rather than watch them for twenty minutes looking for one (plus one may contain the player population in a smaller area). EDIT: Not to mention setting up spectators, setting up specific mission types as you said, etc.
  13. VVired

    Stand Alone Again Cause loser admin locking

    wait a minute, (not to trying to be offensive) but what use is two accounts?
  14. VVired

    RANT because I can

    Exactly how many people who here who complains of grenades play ArmA?
  15. VVired


    I'd pee sitting down but I'm just too lazy to put down the seat. Said to match how pointless this thread has become. Someone please lock this because it has devolved into a series of insults and the flame war version of the cuban missile crisis.