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Everything posted by atc86

  1. atc86

    DayZ Poster?

    Here is a background I made a couple of days ago. The resolution is 4272x2848 so will work fine as a backgorund. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175185-dayz-background-i-made/
  2. atc86

    DayZ Background I made.

    Here is a test photograph I took for a project I'm working on. It reminded me of dayz so I turned it in to a desktop background for you to enjoy! I might do some more of these if people like the idea. Enjoy :)
  3. atc86

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    Vehicles Base Building More weapons I'm sure by the time that happens I wont be playing much though.
  4. atc86

    Dayz Ahead by Kyler Boone.

    Are you an actual photographer in real life? I'm a freelance photographer and was planning on doing some images in game. Would be good to have someone to help out. I'm looking for some screen cap software that will allow me to change apertures to get different depths of field in game if you know of any.
  5. atc86

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    A couple of screen savers I quickly done.
  6. atc86

    Balota Encounters

    We go to a music concert, watch 2 fresh spawns fight, save a guy from certain death and disarm a bandit! This was all on the same server in about a 1 hour period.
  7. atc86

    Game not as colorful as other people?

    have you tried turning up digital vibrance on your gfx settings? might help.
  8. atc86

    I'm good bait + fun times!

    man that's some awesome facial hair you got going there! Have you even slept since release? ;)
  9. atc86

    Post Your Gear So Far

    That's how I roll.
  10. fx 6300 @ 3.5 (turned the boost off) gtx 660 oc 8gb corsair vengeance objects: very low terrain:very low clouds:very high shadows: normal AA: high Alpha: All tress and grass Edge:FXAA low HDR: low Ambient: diasbled PP: disabled 27-34FPS in citys 45-70 in rural areas
  11. atc86

    Miley Cyrus plays DayZ

    so much fail from the guys at the end lol
  12. atc86

    I won DayZ. Yep.

    Can opener is so end game...
  13. Man the way you take down those fresh spawns... So much skill. said no one ever.
  14. atc86

    Dayz Help Dean Hall!!!

    Same thing has happened to me :(
  15. atc86

    The true reason behind KoS

    I was just thinking that we really need a kos thread, good job I checked first and didn't create another thread!
  16. atc86

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    I doubt the ps4/Xbox one would be able to run this game it's extremely CPU intensive and consoles hardware is already pretty old and outdated, maybe a scaled down version but I would rather they just continue to develop for PC and don't waste any dev time making a console version.
  17. There are already 24/7 daylight servers just go play there!
  18. atc86

    'No Disconnect Zone'

    I only read the first paragraph but you sir have my beans! They would need to make it so that if you d/c from connection problems, or from a server restart that this rule isn't applied. Good idea though! :)
  19. Use this opportunity to troll people via direct ;) No but seriously this happened to me just keep pressing v and prone then run, I got out in like 5-10 mins
  20. atc86

    Death by an Apple

    Someone didn't read the disclaimer before buying the game lol
  21. atc86

    safe zone

    I say NO to safe zones!
  22. seem to be having the same problem... Yesterday I just spawned and seen a fully geared player in a house and ran over and said hi to him... he instantly logged even though I was unarmed and he had an M4.
  23. atc86

    How do I chat in ALL-Chat ?

    nope just direct