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Everything posted by sonido

  1. sonido

    How to fly a plane?

    Jesus, thanks for all the help guys but ehm... to summarize the situation, i decided to find a guide and play in the armory to test how to fly, I got it under control and decided to give it a run. Now the issue was, the plane was on an island.. Litteraly in front of rocks. I had to stear it to the left a bit, bit by bit, it turned about 30-40 degrees and then it suddenly stumbled in water and exploded 5 seconds later. I litteraly have no clue on how i would've ever gotten the plane of that island since i made my turns slowly. Was there a way to reverze the airplane? Like making it go backwards? It's a shame, i was really pumped :(
  2. sonido

    How to fly a plane?

    I have just found an An-2 Biplane, but i have absolutely no clue what controls i need in order to fly. I know trust and brake, but that's it.. Is there anyone that can help me with what controls i need or a good guide? I'd appreciate it a lot
  3. Played the game yesterday, now i log in to my standard server and get this message. You were kicked of the game. (Battleeye: corrupted memory#51) Can anyone help me out?
  4. Gonna reinstal everything - Battle, Arma 2 and OA I checked for virusses, nothing came across. I'll keep this thread updated with news for people that have similar issues.
  5. So it's been a while since i played, i just reinstalled it and decided to play again after reviewing a few of the latest patches. I just opened Sixplayer and got quite confused, i see a lot of servers with +300 vehicles, Sniper on spawn, ... I do wonder, are these private, changable servers? Where are the main servers where everything is 100% legit etc? Can anyone inform me about how this works?
  6. Hello guys, I'm interested to know if people are willing to trade a vehicle for items, the downside ofcourse is that the vehicle is server bound. Why are we trading the vehicle? Because we are a group of 4 and we already have 2 :P (Very lucky) How do we know it's not a trap? If you use fraps/stream, you can use that to proof if i'm a griefer or not, if u dont, it's all about trust. What do you want in return? I'm looking for alot of things, preferably a rare sniper or very rare gun, tents, food, drinks, anything that is usable actually.. Post here if ur interested (It's on a european server) - Could be Ger/Be/Nl/LU etc... Not gonna mention yet! :D Edit: It is a ural Civillian - 200 item slot - 75-45 kmh/hour max speed :) The vehicle will be up & running, fully tanked if wanted.
  7. According to my server, I need to get patch 94444 I'm kinda uncertain where to get it, is it battle eye, beta patch? I dont really understand, all the new updates seem to be nearly impossible to find. Could anyone help me out?
  8. Where do we get this version 94444?
  9. Heya guys, We were playing on FR11 about 30 minutes ago, the session was lost, the server came back up and when we tried joining it said ''Bad version - server rejected connection'' , anyone know what causes this problem outta nowhere? Is there some server update? this litterally happend 1 min after we played on it. 3 friends of mine have got the same problem... Any advice would be gravely appreciated! Hm, seems it's version 94444 - guess that means battle-eye? Anyone knows how to download this?
  10. sonido

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    Rofl, I burst in tears when I saw this video :D The amount of joy this guy must've felt.. For the 4 seconds he managed to drive, rofl! Gotta show this to my friend tommorow :P thanks for making my night!
  11. So far, I've been enjoying DayZ by alot! I've experienced many heart beating moments that nearly gave me a stroke. To keep the memories chained, i'ma be making my journal! Day 1 (Elektro): I spawn in Elektro, and within the first few minutes I find myself a makarov. Wandering over the docks I suddenly see this guy crouching towards me, I point my gun at him and ask him if he's armed, the guy instantly replies to me saying ''I'm friendly, dont shoot, dont shoot!'', I keep my gun pointed at him as I wasn't sure of hes words. A good amount of times passed and I decided to trust him, I run towards him and offer him my hatchet. After some looting, we end up aggro'ing a zombie and I instantly headshot him with one of my very few makarov bullets left, pulling about 5-6 other zombies! Oh shit... What do we do?! The guy takes out hes hatchet and along with my few bullets, we managed to take them down.. But at what cost?! My legs... I broke my legs and I couldn't move. I give him the command to kill me and we decide to meet up @ the church in Elektro.. After a few spawns I'm there again, whilst on my way to the church I find another makarov, I decided to pass through the firestation as I knew a good amount of loot can be found there there. About a minute walk and I see the building from afar! Finally.. I'm there! However... I was being chased by a zombie so I decided to close the gate behind me and kill him there.. I run in, I check to my right and... There's a guy standing right infront of me, about 8-10 meters away! This moment was absolutely intense as we look at eachother for a good 2-3 seconds.. Before I could even talk to this guy, he opens fire!! I instantly respond and bam.. The most epic moment ever! I drop to the left, he drops to the right, I managed to shoot him right between the eyes, and he gets me unconscious.. Damn damn damn! I'm bleeding.. Right before my bandage is set, I drop down and die.. I was to late, by a matter of a second! I spawn again - Run to the church and I finally find the guy I was supposed to meet.. But guess what! He was laying dead - right next to the barb wire.. I slowly take a few steps back and I get the hell outta there! If your reading this my british man, I'm sorry we never met.. Maybe in the near future! Day 2: (Airstrip) I spawn @ Balota and make my way towards Airstrip.. I'm meeting my friend at the 4 deer stands. We finally meet and start looting, I think it was the 3rd of 4th hut to the east that gave me my PDW. Finally, I'm armed and able to defend myself! We decide to check the radio-tower and the 2 barrackses, UNTILL... ''Nick, Do you hear that?'' '' Wait.. What's that?'' '' I THINK IT'S A VEHICLE, GET READY!!'' God, we were so thrilled at this point, it was pretty insane! We were looking for a vehicle for ages and we finally got the chance to get one! We crouch towards some bushes and hold our breath, in the meanwhile we hear the vehicle coming closer and closer.. And suddenly! A wild motorcycle appears! The guy is riding a motorcycle @ 15 kmh/hour and we are like WTFFFF, whilst laughing our asses off, we decide to hijack the vehicle, after wasting a good amount of bullets, we finally hit the guy. Like a kid about to get a lolipop, I decide to run for it and grab it as soon as I can.. We realised we were in some serious trouble.. The motorcycle made a huge amount of noise and our gunshots were probably heard from miles away! We decide to park it in kamenka as we try to figure out why this damn thing doesn't make any speed! We soon come to realise the wheels are broken and that we need new ones. As I'm tabbed out I suddenly hear this guy saying ''Hey - Are you friendly'' , it took me 3 second to tab back in and shoot him 2 bullets in the head.. Very sorry man, I normally dont kill on sight.. but this vehicle was pretty big to us! After a while of googling, my friend decides to stay at the motorcycle while I go scout for wheels, It didn't take long before I hear a whole lot of gunshots being shot around! I scream of skype, SITUATION, SITUATION?!!! He goes, THERE'S A GUY SHOOTING ME AND I CANT SEE HIM! I take aim with my M16A2 which I received from my friend and from 200 meters away I see the guy laying in the bush, I cease fire and within a few gunshots I received a 3rd murder! I cross the road just to find a whole alice pack full of stuff and take everything along! Best part.. The guy had a wheel <3 We fixed the motorcycle and started heading north to hide our motorcycle whilst waiting for our team-mates. During our road, we also found another car which we'll be fixing up very soon! More adventures to come!
  12. Honestly, I'd rather see the 45 sec thingy then nothing, disconnecting and losing items is never a good thing, but compared to what the game is now, i'd take that change in any time. Currently when ur being shot, you just alt f4 and your safe, it's pretty ridiculous compared to maybe a random internet connection loss that gets u killed. If you do suffer disconnects 24/7 then ur net obviously sucks. Like ^ said, there are no perfect solutions to something like this. Btw - The 45 is long, it should be something along the lines of 10 seconds max, enough to break your legs, get u bleeding, losing health or being shot while being in danger. For those that do have to go afk & d/c, there's a slighter chance to die, or those who randomly d/c.
  13. Somehow I pray for the hackers not to be found, ddos'ing a server can result in a very long time sitting (Jail). That's how frustrated these kids are, risking it all for a ban they deserve.
  14. A huge amount of hackers have been banned, so the reason is for you to figure out. Kids dont have anything better to do, they're fueled with rage and this is how they express it.
  15. I dont understand though - just an hour ago, rocket twittered that the servers are fully restored? At that point, they started working again, yet they fail now? What's wrong.
  16. Heya, I just found a motorcycle, it runs and everything, it has low fuel. The only issue is that it only hits about 15 kmh/hour, is there a reason for this? It should be getting 80+ kmh speed :o Anyone? Really wanna use this motorcycle.. first time i found something! I just noticed the backwheel looked ugly, is there any chance to repair it? what kind of wheels do i need etc?
  17. sonido

    Motorcycle - Need help!

    Found it - it was the tire that needed to be changed, I had a wheel, but it never got the option to repair, besides when i gave the wheel to my friend oO
  18. I seriously dont understand how you start a vehicle and drive around. On my way to kamaravo I came across a bus, It had to fuel so i went to look around for a fuel tank - found one, entered 20 liters, entered it and couldn't drive? everything was fixed inside, so that was not the problem. How do you start the engine etc?
  19. On my server there has been a bus standing still for a few hours now No red boxes appeared, so the vehicle should be working. I have no clue how to drive with it as i've tried multiple times before. If your interested, post here - You can come naked if u want, i have no need to kill people or something along the lines.
  20. sonido

    Does anyone want a bus?

    Because for some very strange reason, I cannot drive it... I dont know if it's me doing something stupid, or if it's bugged w/e Do you have skype? I will add you.
  21. sonido

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    None of the boxes are red If anyone wants the bus - I can give u the server and place where to find it, it's still there.
  22. sonido

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    Like i did, i did refuel it and got the message "20 liters of fuel has been restored'' or something along, I got the animation etc. The bus is still there! How do i know if it needs repair or not? I dont get any option that says so.
  23. sonido

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    Wierd, I've done all of the given options, yet it didn't drive. How can i be certain it needed repair? I could enter, and even with mousewheeling, and checking, nothing seemed broken.