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About silentdeathz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. silentdeathz

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Ye :/ Its a bit silly at the moment. Kill a couple of zombies? endless spawns incoming.
  2. silentdeathz

    DayZ - looking forward to another update.

    You say you dont fear zombies, and yet all you do is sneak past them or hatchet them for fear of alerting zombies... Sounds like an oxymoron at best to me. You DO fear the zombies, you just avoid them. And in its current state, changing that would be ridiculous. Imagine the current endlessly spawning zombies that can glitch through walls etc that aggro as if you were always running. It wouldnt even be worth playing.
  3. silentdeathz

    Looking for people to play with

    hav0k from GA?