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About devoraz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ok heres the story how it went step by step. one of our guys was killed in drakon by a band of admins tagged as [CCCP] we began a pursuit following possible routes of the car wich we tracked to above kamoshovo. me and 3 other friends shot down 3 people tagged as CCCP clan members and ultimately blew up the UAZ(pic below and a video). 5-15 minutes after the incident we were kicked of the server(pic included below). we kept getting kicked repeatedly and could not play on the server. all we ask to give these admins a little nudge on the head and a small NO from the guys upstairs.. this is just plain childish and unnessecary and should not be tolerated. PS. and one of the admins did a PVP disconnect during the encounter wich gives a bad example for others. [cccp]Xakas was the name of this guy. sadly no screenshot of this happening but just saying