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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Camping and Gunning down other players in a game with perma death is also lame Besides when do you see more than two players together *not* killing each other unless they are buddies? Your large group theory is thus impossible unless done by clan. A large group of random players meeting will just result in a huge gunbattle that draws a lot of zombies. And most clans are already bandits so they won't help survivors. And the whole point of a Survivor's experience is not to kill other players, but instead to kill zombies will exploring and adventuring, killing the occasional bandit in self-defense. Right now the Game is too focused on Loot which in turn fuels Greed which in turn motivates us to kill other players to acquire More Loot. By offering up the Safe Zone idea I am hoping to promote Cooperation, Companionship, and an Economy. If players can trade or cooperate for what they want instead of having to kill for it, I think it opens up a much richer gaming experience, then just following the Short & Narrow Degenerating Deathmatch mindset down the Rabbit Hole. Besides I think having Friendly Safe Havens would scratch the Bandit Player's back as well. Just like Faction Cities do in MMOs. A lone bandit or two would be toast trying to attack it. But an entire clan could probably take a Safe Haven down with all it's firepower brought to bear. It would be an euphoric experience for Bandits, just like raiding Orgrimmar is for Alliance. This is a PVP game, if you don't like PVP then you are playing the wrong game. Having the risk of being shot in the face by some asshole in a ghillie suit 1k meters away is part of the game. Some of us think it happens to often and are proposing some changes. also, why will it result in a gun battle? If they all wish to cooperate they should get along fine. It only gets torn apart when one or more of the players dont want to be in the group anymore. The idea of this thread is to make it benificial to be in a group. "But one of them will want all the loots!!!" you might say, and what would they gain? a bunch of guns and ammo they cant carry, as much food and medicine as they can carry (which may not be much) and the distrust of the group. As to your MMO comparison... no, just no. What would be the point to raiding it? If there is a point then you'll just get large clans of people (like the goons of SA) raiding the "safe" zones in order to steal loot, or just for fun and to steal peoples' stuff. Right now making a safe haven is impractical, but if the features making it feasable are added, it should be up to the playerbase to protect themselves.
  2. The English language doesn't have a period shortage, you can use as many as you want.
  3. I think the OP has a brilliant idea. It really frustrates me when I look at the topic and see Poster 1 says "No you're wrong" Poster 2 says "No you're wrong" Poster 3 says "No you're wrong" Elaboration would be nice people! "This would just encourage more shoot on sight" Let me present a situation. You have survivor A with a CZ who spots survivor B with a makarov. A is cleverly disguised in with the terrain on a hill in the countryside and would be able to kill B easily. Now A has to take a few things into consideration. Is A wounded? With zombies now infesting the woods would any be attracted by the shooting? How much ammo does A have? If ammo is scarce then you better use it wisely, so that means that what equipment B has is worth considering. There you go. That is a drastic improvement. Killing people has turned from a natural reaction to a tough decision. You could still kill him if you have a silencer, or you could make sure there aren't any zed nearby. Now if A kills B what are the concequences? If B doesn't have anything of value then it was wasted ammo. What if A is low on food afterwards but lacks the firepower to get into a town? Or, maybe A found a great stache of food and ammo on B. With the supposed changes, Lonewolfing would still be possible but it would be difficult. If you lonewolf then wounds are more deadly, shelter is more important, towns would be difficult to enter. You would need to be a smart raider to lonewolf succesfully. "Oh but then people would just PVP in packs" So? Thats a good thing, group fighting is more interesting than individual fighting because groups have more resources and require more resources. You need to stay in a group to survive, but the group needs more resources in general to survive. That makes high-loot areas important. You might even see clans develop and fight over resources and territory, and clans of equal strength might trade goods. (yah pretty doubtful but still possible, and rocket would need to code in a way to stop all of the DC exploits) "What? that is dumb, someone would just shoot everyone else in the face and steal all of the loot" Then he would get shot by everyone else, who would then completely steal his gear while making sure to recover the victims' gear "Well, groups would just shoot all the noobs" Then the noobs would form their own group, and the smart noobs might lone wolf it. at any rate, considering this is an alpha build, now is the time to try these crazy insane things.