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Everything posted by PinkTaco24

  1. What kind of a chump sits at the treeline and snipes people from hundreds of yards away for no reason? You have no right to complain. OP a bitch
  2. Like for other games. Its kind of hilarious all the people saying 'ITS JUST ALPHA BRO!' I can't wait until the game is in beta, 1 or 2 days from official release and people are stil saying 'ITS JUST BETA THOUGH!' like any changes would POSSIBLY go through that quick before release date. I laugh at all of you.
  3. PinkTaco24

    Would you take the shot?

    Absolutely. Had he seen you, I can garuntee he wouldn't of been so nice. Especially since you had a better gun. What does he have to lose to shoot you? nothing. What does he have to gain? everything. Game is a deathmatch
  4. Before everyone flies off the handle at the title, I'm only explaining what IS happening. I don't know the design intentions of this game. Maybe a Deathmatch style game is what the designers want. Again, I don't know.. I'm just presenting the notion that unless there is a penalty to murderers, that is all we will and do see. Currently there is ZERO penalty for killing another player. In fact, there is only reward. Their loot. In a system such as this, its not only the smart option from a defensive standpoint, its the smart option from a tactical standpoint. No penalty, and free gear. Finding another player is like finding a goldmine. All benefit. This is a video game, an in that sense players will reap the rewards if they are handed to them. If you want to start arguing it may be 'unrealistic' to have a murderer flag system.. then I say its also 'unrealistic' to have no penalty to murdering someone. In real life we have penalties for murder. In this game currently, we don't. In any other game that has this kind of system(where you loot all gear) there is almost always a penalty to murdering innocents. If anyone has played ultima online, you know what I am talking about. I suggest a system be in place for players to see those who murder frequently and those who don't. I understand bandit skins were used for this purpose, but I think it would need to be account wide not life wide. But again, all this is under the assumption a deathmatch style game is NOT what the developers want. I actually don't know. But as this game stands, thats exactly what we have. Personally I would prefer to not have a deathmatch style game, where every player you see its kill or be killed. But, if that's the way the game goes.. I doubt I will quit or anything outrageous. Its just more into the 'shooter' style of play rather than 'survival' style of play. ---------- I propose a flagging system as simple as this ------------ 1. Killing an innocent or shooting an innocent(but not necessarily killing) nets you a bandit/murderer skin for X amount of minutes. (5,10,20, whatever) 2. Killing an innocent nets you a murder tally. 3. After Y amount of murder tallys, you are constantly flagged as a bandit/murder until your tally count goes back below the threshold 4. After Z amount of hours played, you lose 1 tally. 5. Survivors can kill bandits at no penalty. 6. Bandits can kill bandits at no penalty. 7. If someone initiates aggression against a survivor, they can fight back and kill the aggressor without penalty. So if you choose to, you can still murder freely. You just simply murder other murderers. If you choose to murder indefinitely, you run risk of being an obvious open target. EVERYONE is still technically an open target.
  5. alt+f4 abuse because broken legs are a stupid ass mechanic.
  6. If you can physically see the zombie, wouldn't it be logical that they can physically see you? No, its more of an issue that a zombie can aggro you while you are in prone position sitting still and they are 10 feet away facing the opposite direction.
  7. Who was the developer on the project?The game, for me, is a deathmatch. I have had no expierence so far that says otherwise. Call it luck, call it whatever.. That is my play experience so far. And I don't think mine is unique. I think NOT having a deathmatch experience is unique. So now you have to ask yourself.. what is the GOAL of this game? What is rocket trying to accomplish, and is he meeting that goal? I don't know if he is or not. But the game IS a deathmatch style game for me as well as majority of other users.
  8. And thats fine.As long as he understands the game simply becomes a death match.
  9. How does that 'not work' ?That sounds like the rules weren't explained and mistakes were made by players that didn't know there would be consequences to their murdering. Yeah, if you murder randoms and you get flagged as such, expect to be a high profile target. He also mentioned players could leave a server and wipe their skin. Which shouldn't happen. I know rocket said he didn't want 'punishments' for people that murder.. well, the sad fact of it is in the video game world if there is no punishment and only reward for murdering... that's what people will do. EVEN IF zombies become much harder as proposed.. there is still a hidden punishment for murdering random players. And that punishment is the loss of another player's help. Either way, however you wish to look at it.. there has to be a punishment. Its just the way it is. (unless you want deathmatch)
  10. PinkTaco24

    Am i doing something wrong?

    actually I am being serious. The military camps are a good 15-20 minute run, so its not like EVERYONE does it. Just the players that kill other players all the time and have any idea what they are doing. Not to mention, once you have an assault rifle, raiding a populated city is that much easier.
  11. I have watched it already.Other than 'its fine the way it is' he doesn't say much. And, if he wants a deathmatch game.. then fine. That's what he gets. But at least admit it for what it is.
  12. I hardly doubt all the nerd raging internet chumps that harass and abuse people online are going to be the alpha surviving community they all want to believe themselves to be.
  13. PinkTaco24

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    Oh come on dude.. they did it as a means to troll and laugh with their mics silenced at the OP's expense. Don't pawn this off as 'what they had to do.' They were all at the airfield, they could of easily looted the guns the OP was carrying in a hangar rather than lie and manipulate the OP on skype for his gun.Wake up.
  14. So then log out inactives. problem solved.
  15. PinkTaco24

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    deathmatch is in fact, what this game has devolved to.
  16. PinkTaco24

    Am i doing something wrong?

    don't even bother with regular cities/small towns scrounging for loot. Just run right to a military camp on spawn. Everyone else does...
  17. PinkTaco24

    Murders stats

    I don't want day z to be deathmatch.. but, that's how rocket has designed it. So, we just do like everyone else and play it as such... But he at least needs to have the balls to start calling it what it is... Open world deathmatch with zombies. Survival is out of the question now.
  18. PinkTaco24

    The reason why it's "shoot on sight"

    stop comparing this shit to real life. you don't respawn in real life. it completely fucks all moral comparison.
  19. really... so all these flame posts directed at my idea that fundamentally changes nothing aside from some visual effects (you can still murder all the people you want if you choose to do so) and all you see is me saying 'HERP DERP IM RIGHT' .... you must be fucking joking.
  20. still harking on the same old stuff that doesn't matter preka
  21. yeah.. except my argument DOES agree with itself sooo.... again.. you have pointed out 1 stupid, nitpicky bullshit semantic argument that has nothing to do with the REAL point at hand. and have focused SOLELY on that topic because you have NOTHING ELSE to argue. That usually means.. you lose.