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About youSOB

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. youSOB

    Pending Update: Build

    You're making sense. Now stop it and stand aside please and allow the self entitled to carry on crying for rocket to make the game easier or more convenient or more to their liking. As if any one of them were capable of the insights or effort that allowed dayz to be made. Suddenly they all know better than anyone else including each other. Major reason I'm checking the forum is to see changelog and if patch is out yet.
  2. youSOB

    Pending Update: Build

    One minute wait til disconnect seems fair without being annoying. Ideally accompanied by a one minute wait before being able to join the same server.
  3. youSOB

    Pending Update: Build

    Amazed at people who are supposed to be 18+ coming up with all these reasons not to have their DC fest fucked up. From sick daughters being ignored in favour of dayz (at least until they reach critical condition at which time the guy might exit the game) to shitty Internet connections being blamed for dc in combat. I admit to server hopping, I tried it out for loot but then started to use it to hunt other server hoppers. Far more fun. And I'll be stoked when rocket finally fixes all that Bullshit in dc'ing or alt f4 on death.
  4. youSOB

    Pending Update: Build

    Awesome. Looking forward to Wednesday. 3 points. Will being kicked for high ping count as a frequent disconnect? I often play in us servers as the local servers here are jam packed. Originally alt f4 was disabled in arma2. Anyway to redisable it? Why do you feel server hopping to get loot is more of an issue than disconnecting to avoid death? I am not bitching, just curious. See I like to hunt server hoppers who do it for loot in nw airbase. Easy prey and gave good loot but being morally suspect they tend to altf4 a shot load when shot. So maybe stopping bodies from melting on disconnect woulbe sweet.
  5. youSOB

    Can Heli Crash Sites be farmed?

    I have farmed helis in previous major patch. Trick was to remove unwanted weapons and then wait quite far away for about 15 minutes. The far away bit is because I read it only respawns when players are a minimum distance aeay. I got a bizon where there once was a akm. In recent patch i have had no luck farming but that's probably because I don't need anything the hell can spawn as I have as50, bizon, m14, nvg, range finder etc. Nvg and range finder I took from someone else's very full tent on us338. Thanks glitchers!
  6. Tested? Thought that's what we were doing with the alpha? Afaik for a more finished version you're going to have to wait a while for the alpha testing to be done - and that's being done by us. Now.
  7. youSOB

    Weapons Overhaul

    Nice. Yes more weapons would be welcome. But no 500 round mags/ammoboxes please
  8. Oops.fucking double post. Sorry. And nicely written OP.
  9. You are exactly why shoot on sight is the only sensible option right now. Thank you for being one of the mindless selfabsorbed masses_ all six hundred thousand of us and cunting.
  10. Be nice if the weight of what you are carrying influenced your need for hydration and nutrition.
  11. youSOB

    reward for dying

    Right now many SOBs disconnect on being attacked or even killed. Why? Because they can and their is no incentive or punishment involved. So why not give an incentive. Starting loot is arbitrary anyway., determined by Rockets mood and musings, so why not have the chance if keeping one thing when you die. It might be the awesome M249,, m14 or the matches or maybe a pile of wood if you had it in your inventory when you died. If you disconnect or change servers when dying or wounded or even dead you do not get this spawn perk
  12. You as a player are potentially way more dangerous than the zombies. Even if you think you are peaceful you have that capacity. So its natural for others to try and negate the threat. Not being able to communicate at sniper rifle distances doesn't help either as that is the distance cautious players engage from if they can.
  13. youSOB

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    yes, the elite have been manipulating the world currency AND gold standard, the middle east is on the verge of war as usual, and china is flexing its military muscles in uncomfortable ways to the west. plus we have reach over population point are are killing our planet without doubt. oh, wait you mean with dayz? latest version works fine for me.
  14. youSOB

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    do you mean 7.2.2. perhaps? or is this in additon to the 7.2.2. rocket announced.
  15. youSOB

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    You actually can cook twice on a fire pit, the option to cook meat comes up for a second so you need to be fast.. It worked for me last night.