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About Haliber

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. http://yfrog.com/71jcrbj 45 days and counting.
  2. I have personally seen scripts being executed by players who haven't logged in for days. During a server nuke - it said one of my RL friends Jubag (with the same GUID) had executed a fair amount of malicious scripts. Funny thing is - he stopped playing a while back. Spoofing is probably getting people wrongfully banned too.
  3. Haliber

    Military Offroad

    they were accidentally removed several patches ago - I can't find the source but I think it was a 'woopsie!' comment from Rocket. It was my understanding they should be back in by now - but I haven't seen one for a long time. Then again I'm sure our server isn't spawning choppers either.
  4. Trash server is trash. I'm surprised it isn't passworded to be honest. Well I suppose there wouldn't be any fresh spawns for him to run over in his shiny vehicles.
  5. Haliber

    Kills/time in game ratio?

    I ensure not to shoot anyone who are using sidearms, melee or plainly unarmed also.
  6. Haliber

    Kills/time in game ratio?

    1229 Zombie Kills 817 Headshots 1 Bandit Kill 31 Murders 27 Days.
  7. When a server restarts and loads sometimes vehicles spawn in slightly in the air. This can cause cars etc to roll down hills. ATV sometimes bounce around because their physics appears to be that of black magic.
  8. Haliber

    To the 2 bandits of Electro

    You would have hated UK8 yesterday. Started off sitting in a tree hearing lots of shooting in the school/supermarket area. I scoped it out waiting to see who it was. Suddenly two Ghillie'd bandits walk infront of me also waiting for him to pop out. I think I scored 18 murders that day, majority of them defending my vehicles stashed near Dobry ;)
  9. Servers disappear after restarts very infrequently. They will always happen if you force the mission to start from the lobby after a restart. Restarting from RCON instead of from the actual server can also cause tents to disappear until another restart is performed.
  10. I'm going to speak to our lead admin and see if adding less .pbos to be checked causes less issues.
  11. It could be rubberbanding. A lot of people I get can run for hours and rubber band back to their old position without rhyme or reason.
  12. Haliber

    (UK8) Camp Site...

    Ah, I misread. I'm pretty sure the Defender hasn't spawned on our server - neither the Huey. I think we need to speak to the Devs to see if there's a problem.
  13. Haliber

    (UK8) Camp Site...

    1) Can we stop insulting regulars on our server? Jesus Christ. 2) Can you please remove the location of the camp in your original post? It's not ours - however it needs to be stripped clean and saved to ensure that it stops pumping out items. also Twonk; It states in your camp-post that you have a Military Offroad. We had assumed that none had spawned on UK8 - or is this on another server?
  14. Haliber

    passing out everytime i log in

    I had this problem before; I was shot and killed - upon respawning I decided to log out for a bit. Since then every time I logged in I would pass out. It seems that sometimes shock is permanently enabled in some rare cases. I had to die to get rid of it,.