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Everything posted by liukang168

  1. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Server hopping is killing the game ...
  2. liukang168


    hey, another its to dark thread ... USE THE FORCE ...
  3. liukang168

    Fix things!

    Rocket! Make this game f... harder :) (please)
  4. liukang168

    C-130J plane

  5. liukang168

    C-130J plane

    not a new suggestion
  6. liukang168

    Rocket needs to make this game harder

    start with nothing but a crap-a-rov and a single clip. move spawn 1 km land inward and the end of noob hunt is set.
  7. liukang168

    Rocket needs to make this game harder

    yeah, please make the game harder! make it almost impossible to run into a city. make zeds and nature a real threat. hit by a zombie = infected. ... just drive people out of the urban surroundings and they will have to teamwork if it becomes a nightmare to just get a gun, food or water. just a thought ...
  8. liukang168

    Veteran + 3DP server list

    NY7&8 veteran, 3rdp and map markers
  9. liukang168

    Camo cloth pack error

    Date/Time: 28/05/2012 - 17.30 UTC What happened: Skin change with Camo clothing spawned my old skin /player model (bandit, bugged skin load since 1.6.1) Where you were: Somewhere in the wilderness What you were doing: changing cloths, first droped my backpack, as i read it causes problems, then started wearing new skin, my ex-player skin was all of the sudden there, had a the sound of water, and had an alice backpack which magicaly spawned onto my new player see picture *Current installed version: 1.6.1 *Server(s) you were on: NY8 *Your system specs: AMD 3100 cpu & ATI 6950 / 16GB RAM / windows 7 ultimate *Timeline of events before/after error: see above
  10. liukang168

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    kp = numpad
  11. liukang168

    My character playing by itself :(

    In my hole 500 hours of arma playing it occured twice to me. Once in Insurgency Mod and once in dayz mod. YOu log in, and you kinda sahre one character with another person. So basicly you both people control the same character. Simly log out and log back in. Must be kind of a bug.
  12. liukang168

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Some please post pics of new skins, suits and toons.
  13. liukang168

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Yeah! Good job!
  14. battleye no responding. updated arma2 and arma2 oa battleye. hope this is just a temporary problem ...
  15. liukang168

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Not enough Zombies, they are still 2 easy!
  16. liukang168

    Tent alternative

    Tents are easily compromised. So why not give us a weapons cache that we can place / dig in a forrest and to be covered up with some camoflage/trees and leafes... Would be a much safer place for our goodies ...
  17. * Server this happened on. US8 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 3:35 (UTC) /25/05/2012 * What happened during the incident. People started dying: xxx was killed by Frank West xx2 was killed by Frank West etc. Usually server has no info about who killed who. Admins kicked him after a short time.
  18. liukang168

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Same with the tents ...
  19. liukang168

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I can already see myself sneak up on a group, silently remove one of the team take his cloths ... and you know the rest of the story :)
  20. Somehow all my tents that I placed are not able to be dismantled. Is this a known bug? Couldnt find a thread ...