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Everything posted by liukang168

  1. On our managed server ny7/8 we also get the same error message ... is this a hive issue ? This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.Please contact .....
  2. liukang168

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    If you have issues playing arma 2 ... then load it without the @dayz mod ...
  3. liukang168

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    We have taken NY7 and NY8 of service until a working fix is confirmed ... be patient. Let the dayzdev team do their work ...
  4. liukang168

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Wipe the database = Welcome to DayZero
  5. liukang168


    yeah must have been the admin. Who else wants to risk his own server?
  6. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    yeah bring everyone back to dayzero
  7. Hi folks, just post the 3 main things you would like to see. 1. Cheat/Script prevention 2. Tent/Inventory fix (item disapear/item change) 3. Server hopping fix
  8. liukang168

    3 things you would like to see ...

    well, didnt find anything about cheat removal or tent/inventory database issues in your or that post ...
  9. liukang168

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    inventory: some items seem to change ... had m24 ammo and it changed into akm ammo...
  10. liukang168

    the bait bus

    so we found a bus today at a camp site, which was totaly empty (prolly hacked). we flatted all tents by driving over them. we drove bus a bit away, left loot inside, m4s , ammo, lots of stuffy ... we shot the weels and placed a marker on map... broken bus here. well we waited a bit ... after 10 minutes 2 dudes come to check the bus. 400m away observing with my m24... the rest is history.
  11. liukang168

    A realistic way to balance PvP

    where are the ingame trading cards!
  12. liukang168

    the bait bus

    marker is only visible on one server and for all people that are in the same chat channel...
  13. liukang168

    ATLANTA 33 Lost Everything

    I think its hackers that remove all items from players, tents, vehicles ...
  14. liukang168

    Rocket, don't do it like Notch

    i want the hello kitty backpack!
  15. RIght now it is unplayable. Hackers remove all items, tents magically get empty. People start having horns instead of there gear. Planes rain from the sky. Please do something about this!
  16. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Only crouch will not help you ... Press shift in order to walk, crouch in silent mode! Double press it to toggle this mode ...
  17. Yep, we have no choppers. Script kiddies spawned them and we found it out and banned them ... What else can we do? People came to our mumble server and we immediatly took actions. If people would make their minds up and blame people that obviously try to spoil the fun of people that realy want to play. Sorry if we didn´t take actions earlier ... Name: Sgt. Liu (Admin) Server: NY7/8 Ny7&8 Mumble Info:
  18. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    If you guys got a problem, there is a PM function and you can bitch to each other without us having to read this crap ...
  19. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ New beta patch out ...
  20. liukang168

    Relog suggestion

    no the redneck donkey section ... and to get it into your narrowminded head: it would be the chinese section.
  21. liukang168

    Relog suggestion

    i rather recommed the following. dunno if it is to bad for the database. each server has its own player database connected to the hive. 1 server 1 character. no more hop movin
  22. liukang168

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    As a RL hog hunter (mostly archery) I agree with this. Realistically these animals are hard to sneak up on and they are FAST, able to run up steep terrain at high speed and travel long distances every day (10-20 miles). So at the very least they should move around, quite fast, stopping every now and then to feed... and if startled should run at least a few KM before stopping. And yes they will charge you sometimes, my buddy got a nice gash in his leg a few years ago and I've had to jump out of the way a couple times. It would be great to have some of this simulated with wild animals... most importantly the "bust" effect of startling them and having them run out of the area. Also handguns (except .44 mag) are useless against most game. The bullets will just piss them off. Finally, there is a fairly small kill zone in wild game (lungs/heart), and if you miss it you will rarely find the animal. Even good double-lung shots can result in an animal running a few hundred yards (especially hogs) needing tracking skills to find the animal. I know this isn't a hunting sim but hunting is part of this game and it would be great to see some of these aspects. Yeah +1 from me ...