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Everything posted by rfxcasey

  1. rfxcasey

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Did they fix, or are they ever going to fix, the lighting bug where when you look away from a light in the dark the casting of the light on the surrounding area is visible but when you look toward the light source the ambient light casting disappears? This is a terrible immersion breaking bug. Example, at night, if I throw a flare into a building and then look at the building from the outside, the light generating from inside the building will not cast on the ground/apposing buildings/environment outside the building unless you turn away from the light source, so it is out of frame, at which point the light will cast from inside the building to the outside as would normally be expected.
  2. rfxcasey

    Spawned Item Condition On Server

    On my server, I'm looking for a way to change the condition of spawned items. I found a post that says to alter the 'damage' 'min' and 'max' in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml file, but this doesn't seem to do anything or moreover, if it does, only effect certain items, with the exclusion of wearable items and weapons. It appears that some clothing, weapons and military gear have their own quality settings, I don't think I've ever found a gun in anything better than 'worn' condition, usually 'damaged', and while I do find some pristine military vests, shirt/jackets and other gear, the probability of them being pristine seems to be less then other more common items. Also, I'm extremely interest in slowing down the degradation rate of times and the thirst/hunger rate of the player. Does anyone know where I can find a breakdown of all item and spawning variable or is some of this stuff 'hard coded'?
  3. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    Not to be a smart guy but which were you shot in, the back or the chest?
  4. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    3rd person can be disabled by the server as well so what's the problem? Don't play on servers with 3rd person or hit indicators enabled, problem solved.
  5. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    Your post sounds 'toxic' to me.
  6. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    Can you please explain this cause that documentation sucks. So do you set 'hitDirectionOverrideEnabled' to 1 and then 'hitDirectionBehaviour' to 0? Your statement "i set it BACK to value "1" and it works now" is cryptic. You set what "back" to 1, the 'hitDirectionBehaviour' cause it's default as 1 for me already while "hiteDirectionOverrideEnabled" is default as 0 so I wouldn't be setting it "back" to 1. I'm assuming it's supposed to be the 'Override' set to '1' and then the 'hitDirectionBehaviour' set to '0', is that correct?
  7. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    From the Wiki page linked to in the Changelog "The gameplay settings are located in DZ\worlds\chernarusplus\ce\cfggameplay.json, before you can start using it, you need to copy this file to your mission folder. Once there, you can freely modify any of the values inside. To enable the usage of the file, you also need to add a new parameter "enableCfgGameplayFile = 1;" to your server.cfg file. From that point on, whenever you run the server, the cfggameplay.json will be loaded and used by the game. Parameters" Who wrote this... ? What is a DZ\worlds\chernarusplus\ce\ directory??? I don't have this. And the "this file" link, it isn't a file, it's an entire folder so is it a file or is it a folder? That link takes me to a bunch of folders and files and if I click "get code" and choose zip, it I get a bunch of folders and files, do I dump all of it in my "mission folder" whatever that is supposed to mean? This documentation is horrible. I mean, they couldn't even tell me the name of the "file" that needs to be copied to my "mission" folder?
  8. rfxcasey

    Stable Update 1.15

    "UI indicator when being hit" How do I turn it off?
  9. rfxcasey

    DayZ Update 1.15

    "Server owners are receiving additional tools to manage their servers without the need for directly modifying game files through the addition of server-side gameplay settings." OK so how do we access this on PC?
  10. rfxcasey

    DayZ Update 1.15

    Balaklava still clips with NVG head strap and helmet chinstrap if I remember correctly.
  11. rfxcasey

    Are there servers without hunger and thirst?

    I'm interested in somewhat of the same thing as well, at least to the extent of whether or not you can adjust the hunger/thirst/item degradation values. It would be interesting to do much less food drop with much slower hunger and thirst depletion. Also, items seem to wear out way too fast, this is supposed to be a sim, no one starves in a matter of hours, guns and gear generally last a long time.
  12. Sorry typing on a smart phone at work 4 am in the morning is not working out that great. I'm home now so as I was saying. Not zombies in the classical sense then I suppose. But if they are not dead, or at least brain/soul dead then are you suggesting that they can be cured? Regardless, if they are not smart enough to drive cars and hold jobs then they are not going to be smart enough to distinguish you from another zombie at great distances. If anything smell would be the key factor in triggering the uncontrollable desire to eat you. They won't be attacking you with the desire to spread the infection, it will be out of hunger. Secondly, look at the way the walk and act. Not the sighs of a higher intelligence I think most would agree. I mean some of these zombies are wobbling to and fro pretty much staring at the sky and you expect anyone to believe that they are cunning eagle eye predictors like a falcon or a jaguar that will spot a survivor at crouched in the tall grass at 50m. The zed look and act more like someone who has been smoking weed all weekend long and those folks usually aren't too observant. Look that the way apex predictors act and then look at these zeds. There is no comparison. Besides would an apex predator run around making all the god awful noise the zombies do if they were really trying hard to catch something to eat. They are basically brain dead eating machines that are going to be triggered by pretty much one thing and once again that is smell. Why are they not just eating one another then? Probably because they smell like shit. A few days in the woods and we'll all smell like shit. Then the zeds will really have a hard time picking out who's dinner and who's not. If you want to talk about realism, the zeds have no compelling reason not to eat one another. Its not like they are going to catch the infection again and you already said that they were not dead so what does that leave us? I mean its not like once we are all dead the zeds are going to start a united nation of zeds all holding hands and singing Kumbaya. If we all smell like shit after a few days, then its going to boil down to pheromones or body heat the ladder being extremely hard to sense if one is not equip to sense in the first place and even snakes can only sense temperature differences from short distances. We are never going to get 100% accurate realism because lets face it there has never really been a zombie apocalypse. I think the triggering radius need to be toned down a bit. The other main reason is that it puts newly spawned players at a even greater disadvantage to bandits that have all the toys and don't even really need to go into town for anything. A new player used to be able to sneak into a town without a huge learning curve and get what they need to get started if there isn't a bandit sniping everyone in Cherno right after they spawn laughing to themselves hysterically because they are mean sadistic bastards who aren't even after loot just like killing defenseless newcomers . Now it will be even easier for the bandits when they see zombies agro'ing left and right and lightly to unarmed new spawns running like a little school girl screaming in terror at a whole town of zeds chasing them around.
  13. A little bit of a correction here.. They aren't Rotting Zombies. They're 28-days later rage infected. So, they're still living. But apparently life for the infected is good. Despite their change in dietary requirements they seem to have become super human.
  14. Have to agree about zombie visual agro distance, its to high now. Let's think about this logically for a minute. We are talking a about decaying corpes here. Their eyes are not going to be functioning at maximum capacity or even close. Their line of s ight now is comparable to the enemies in metal gear solid and actually I think a bit better. I think it would be better if the zeds had their sight agro turn down about a third of what it currently is. In addition to this and in response tothose saying it to o easy perhaps the zeds could have there investigation distance set a bit higher thus increasing the zombies smelling distance so to speak but have full blown agro turned down to resonable levels. While posting I,d like to add that in my opinion the dev team should be concentrating more on the core issues and bugs rather than getting what I see as somewhat off track with shiney distractions. While some of the improvements or very nice especially in the performance departments I think they need to work more on getting a stable platform including but not limited to loss of gear bugs. I also feel it is far to easy to accidentaly hit respawn without any confermation and loose ones charactor. Get the foundation solid and then build on that. If there are dev members thatg only work on graphics and skins have then incorporation a wider variety of zombie models including female zeds with appropriate sounds.
  15. Have to agree about zombie visual agro distance, its to high now. Let's think about this logically for a minute. We are talking a about decaying corpes here. Their eyes are not going to be functioning at maximum capacity or even close. Their line of sight now is comparable to the enemies in metal gear solid and actually I think a bit better. I think it would be better if the zeds had their sight agro turn down about a third of what it currently is. In addition to this and in response to those saying it to easy perhaps the zeds could have their investigation distance set a bit higher thus increasing the zombies smelling distance so to speak but have full blown agro turned down to resonable levels. While posting I,d like to add that in my opinion the dev team should be concentrating more on the core issues and bugs rather than getting what I see as somewhat off track with shiney distractions. While some of the improvements or very nice especially in the performance departments I think they need to work more on getting a stable platform including but not limited to loss of gear bugs. I also feel it is far to easy to accidentaly hit respawn without any confermation and loose ones charactor. Get the foundation solid and then build on that. If there are dev members that only work on graphics and skins have then incorporation a wider variety of zombie models including female zeds with appropriate sounds.
  16. rfxcasey

    Lag spikes?

    I think it has something to do with playing on a beta server. Someone I spoke with suggested that if you play on a beta server you'll start getting the spike (after the game updates to the beta a assume) and from that point on you'll get lag spikes even on non-beta servers. I have the same issue, its horribly annoying and if anyone know a way to fix this or revert your game I'd love to hear their suggestions. That said, it could have something to do with the game settings but I am leaning towards the beta update being the real issue here. If I figure out a workaround I'll post it back here.
  17. Hey all, just downloading now and would like to get with some folks tonight to play some. Anyone who is planning on playing and wouldn't mind a new guy tagging along (I do have Arma 2 experience) PM me your teamspeak info. I've been in many gaming groups before and NO I am not a weirdo. Thanks.