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About Riplak

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Music, games, books, all that jazz.

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  • Bio
    18 year old lifelong gamer.
  1. Riplak

    Need Dayz Partner To Join Group of 2-3

    If you play to engage other players, why are you posting in the survivor forum?
  2. Riplak

    Looking For Someone To Play With

    I thought your name was something like Tom Bombadil, but no. :C
  3. I've never had a problem at the mountain, but it seems like every time I go there with someone else, they get screwed over in some way.
  4. I trying to get an M9SD with at least 3 mags, and some AS50 mags. Also wanting another primary. L85, M16A2 M203, or M4A1 CCO. Items for trade in the tags, I have 2 belts for the Mk 48.
  5. So they're cowards for shooting you when you didn't know they were there. Should they announce themselves? "Hey guy, I'm going to shoot you now, turn around first." Why should someone give up an advantage, and more importantly, why would you think they're "cowardly" because you LET them get the drop on you? Play the game better, be less buttsore about bandits.
  6. Jealous assholes? Maybe they killed you to kill you, know how there are bandits in this game?
  7. Not a big deal, medics knew the risks. We all knew this would happen, this probably wasn't the first time, and definitely won't be the last. The proper response here is for survivors in this forum section to be wary of the user and that steam name. In fact, a Blacklist thread of sorts is probably a good idea.
  8. NVGs, Rangefinder, and an MK 48 with 3 belts.
  9. Don't need an AS50, but I do need the AS50 specific mags. Got 'em?
  10. Plenty of people on these forums are looking for groups. Having a hard time seeing you can't get a group going when the player pool is so large.
  11. Riplak

    Looking for mk 48

    The Mk 48 is more common.
  12. Riplak

    Looking for mk 48

    Seems like an uneven trade man.