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Everything posted by spexnax

  1. spexnax

    Playing with famous YouTubers!

    What incident are you referring to? With Sacriel?
  2. spexnax

    2 NATO mags (full) for NV goggle

    Those would be the AS50 mags. ANd that might be a good deal.
  3. The blind, leading the blind.
  4. spexnax

    Strange sight in Tikhaya Bay

    But zombie spawns? Very elaborate hacking, if it is.
  5. Wabbit, you are one cool customer.
  6. spexnax

    Best in-game names when killed?

    There was something, at one time, about an arrow in the knee and was killed.
  7. Hi guys, I have a question. About a week ago, my cousin and I were both banned from the same server, [DE 03]. It happened because my guy needed food, and my cousin had the beans. So i took them from his back, and I ate, and we both logged off, because of server restart. When we came back in, after 15 mins., were were both banned. We quickly realized, that it could only have been because of that can of food... Now, I know of some of you guys who will call me a cheater and other crap, but you will simply be ignored. I have pleaded the case to the admins who run the server, but so far they are unwilling to do anything... So what I am asking, is if I buy a new key, will I be able to go to that server again?
  8. spexnax

    Banned from [DE 03]

    I forgot, it was a week ago. But something about the can of food. The admin was very kind actually. And I am not here to take a test, you think you have.
  9. spexnax

    Banned from [DE 03]

    I was showed the log, at least, that is what i think it was. The log i mean.
  10. spexnax

    Banned from [DE 03]

    I was showed the log, at least, that is what i think it was. The log i mean.
  11. spexnax

    Banned from [DE 03]

    Oh, I forgot to say that it is a private hive. One that you need to get whitelisted for.
  12. spexnax

    Best Dayz Player In The World!!!

    is it you talking? You are a funny guy, sounds so funny, with that fuck stuff. I think I heard more fuck´s that a whole Deadwood episode. And that is saying a lot.
  13. spexnax

    What are they

    I should add, that the HIVE, is the server, that makes it so, that you can use the same character on many servers. Thus the name, private hive, since it is just that. Private. I just had one of my best playtimes EVER in DayZ, on one of those. [De 03]. You need to be whitelisted though.
  14. Hello boys and girls. I recently traded for an M136. But when i equip it, my character still has his rifle, but the weapon name in top right corner change to M136. Any idea why this is?
  15. spexnax

    M136 refuses to fire?

    I know it takes the backpack slot. But that it simply does not fire, i did not. Well thanks.
  16. spexnax

    Kos knobjockeys

    I am still in facebook Limbo. Someone used wire fencing kit to surround me, and i have no toolbox.
  17. spexnax

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    Sacriel, and the guys from their crew..
  18. Kronos Quartet huh? Not fitting for the video. But you guys gave them hell. Awesome.
  19. spexnax

    Traders and Traitors

    I just completed a succesful trade with Citizen X. Thumbs up for that guy. KaBoom.
  20. spexnax

    Looking for the M136

    Hello, the topic says it all. I can give almost anything, since i only use the M24 and the M14. I have a lot to give for the launcher, just tell me what you are after.
  21. spexnax

    Looking for the M136

    I have had it a long time ago. It does work...just not very well.
  22. spexnax

    Looking for the M136

    I do not understand...
  23. spexnax

    Trading L85 AWS. accepting best offer

    What would you like for it
  24. spexnax

    One Shot Two Kills?

    I am afraid that sp86 is right on this one. I have played for more than 3 years, and have never killed two two birds with one stone.
  25. Okay guys, i usually play on this server, nothing special. My group and I are now looking for a few vehicles. We had the chopper for an evening, at some point, but was lost due to hackers. What I am asking, we have been around the whole map in hopes of finding a few, any will do. We have not seen or heard the chopper since that day, but we found a few tractors and bikes. If you park them out of the map, that black bordewr that runs along the map, will they stay there? Because they are really gone. We do not want to hoard them all or anything, but the van is quite cool, and so is the white pickup. Can someone clarify?