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Everything posted by spexnax

  1. spexnax

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Hello lads. Last night, FishIsTwonk and I, concluded a rather difficult trade. Difficult, because of problems getting in-game. He went to great lengths to make the trade. And I got quite an amazing deal out of it. I testify, that he is totally legit, and I look forward to trading with him again. Our groups enjoy our new items, and I hope he can find some use for what I gave him. PS: Have you heard any explosions around Elektro? :) If not, prepare for a big bang.
  2. spexnax

    Anyone have an SVD Camo to trade?

    Look for Wolf Armouries, on this site. I just traded with them last night. Awesome trade, he gave me more than i think i deserved. Edited: Were you saved, when hit by the rock?
  3. spexnax

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    Actionman, it is not like the bug is intentionally in the game. It is in the word, bug. Stuff that should not happen. We have no idea if he is lying, or lying in wait, tosmoke the friendly neighbourhood saviour medic dude. But that is what the topic is about, after all.
  4. spexnax

    What is the point of the M24?

    i can at least squeeze off two aimed shots off, with a DMR, in the course of one M24(And some of you can do much better, I assume). But will they go where i want them to? At a stationary target, it should be a clear headshot with an M24. DMR is just so inaccurate compared. I played with it a lot, but i just got bored of its limited range. I do NOT want to be an elitist cunt, but the M24 is my favourite, even with the two .50 cals around. Sleek, sexy, soulless. It looks like a real weapon, not one of those guns from Aliens. Also, when shooting at those ranges, do they make the same damage? Do we know?
  5. spexnax

    FR34 Mass Death

    Yay, hackers. That is probably what happened.
  6. Topic says it all. I know it is not a legit gun, but i seems like it is the exact uncamoed copy of the green one, that Cooper uses in ARMA 2 Campaign. Have any of you seen it before in DayZ? I am thinking older versions...
  7. spexnax

    Non camo M4A1 GL

    Yeah I thought so. I have had the other one on a few occasions, the "regular" M4A1 203 Holo. Would you say I should ditch it for a M4A3 CCO, if i could get my filthy hands on it?
  8. spexnax

    Non camo M4A1 GL

    M4A1 M203 Holo it is. But it doesnt have camo on it...
  9. Fraggle, where did you pick up that gun?! That is not in the game! On a somewhat serious note, there is no GL.
  10. spexnax

    How does tents work currently ?

    Yeah, basically. But sometimes, they dont work at all. Do not count on them working.
  11. spexnax

    Hero skin

    Do you have another skin, you can put on. Mine showed itself, after i changed to civilian, after having worn a ghillie.
  12. spexnax

    Kill Me!!! -[ Please & Thank you! ]-

    Sometimes they are empty, you know. Especially if you spawn in, close to it. So the zombies havent spawned either.
  13. Is that why, sometimes when we spawn in, there is someone somewhere on the map, barking orders? Like return to formation...? I always wondered what that was. So maybe the game spawns unarmed civies out there, in case we need to change outfits?
  14. spexnax

    SVD Camo - Worth it?

    There is a UAZ that spawns near ALTAR. There is always 10 mags for it, for some reason. Last time I was there, I found 5 M24s as well. I also really love the M24. Fav gun.
  15. spexnax

    SVD Camo - Worth it?

    The gun is a beast. It shoots true.
  16. spexnax

    This game blows

    Okay, just saw the OP posted again. You are a vet? Then, surely you know that patience in this game series is key. Think back to the mission in the first OFp. Alone in the woods, and you have very limited ammo, and you also have to get away. Double the adrenaline, and add some human players basically aiming for the same thing as you. That is DayZ for you. If you love previous games, why on earth have you not had patience to settle in? It makes no sense, you must be a troll. And we all jumped right in.
  17. spexnax

    This game blows

    Look mate, don´t give up just yet. You need to sneak through the zombitches. You have not looked at any guides for the game, otherwise you would NOT be making this thread. Have you spent money on ARMA 2, without checking what the core gameplay is about? If not, then you did this to yourself.
  18. spexnax

    First hacker encounter I've had.

    Direct communication. It is proximity sensitive, though. 50 metres or so, i think.
  19. spexnax

    I...I Don't Understand.

    I would like to know his story too, off topic, of course, of how he came to own the SVD. I have only had it twice and i have been playing since May. OP: If you shot him from, 600 odd metres away, chances are that your bullet did not do as much damage as it would close up. And maybe the dust cloud was too far away to see. I cannot remember if dust kicks up when you are that far away.
  20. spexnax

    Death by wife

    Congratulations mate! Wonderful for you! The tummy is her bandit skin.
  21. spexnax

    Death by wife

    I am wondering, which would you rather be without? :) She instantly has the bandit skin, man. I bet she has a nicer looking bandit skin, than you.
  22. spexnax

    First Lingor experience

    So people do not fire on sight? Refreshing. Wonder when that will change... Same weapons as in regular DayZ? Yesterday i killed a pretty harmless guy, just for the fuck of it. He was minding his own buisness, completely. I had no reason, other than his NVG, of which i already have one pair. I would really lilke to give them back to him. His name was Netz and then some numbers, i think. I hate that kind of shit, IMO, unnessecary. If the Lingor is somewhat free from that, then I will try it.
  23. For Role playing purposes, I would choose the small and, in my opinion, very effective AKs74u. It is way smaller. It is stupid to think that a sniper in a ghillie suit, can carry the AS50, as well as a MK48 mod0. I have a newly acquired M24 (traded my AS50 for it today), and the M249. I am looking for the small AK. I love that combo. Dont care if they are inferior weapons.
  24. spexnax

    Rarest Item?

  25. What was the message? I was also banned from one server yesterday. It said: Battleye: Admin Ban, or something similar. I have nothing on me that is hacked. It is all legit. So what was the ban message OP?