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Everything posted by spexnax

  1. spexnax

    Massive armory in Barrack

    Haha, whoever you are, the M249 cannot shoot m240 rounds,
  2. spexnax

    My wife's take on DayZ

    One of my girlfriends calls my ghillie, the bear suit. And my mates are "the other bears", Together we are the care bears.
  3. Demon, all of those conditions is already incorporated into ARMA2 and therefore in DayZ. But sometimes, I think, as you say, that the wind is not doing squat... As for bullet drop, it is there? Definitely?
  4. I think the SVD fires a little bit bigger round. 7.62x51 vs. 7.62x54. Not sure it would make a difference though. Yesterday, on the server i play on, i rooted out all the AS50 thermals, including the one in our camp, and saved the tents without the guns. Problem is, when i kill other snipers in Elektro and Cherno, they all seem to use it. The only thing i can get them with, is the very same gun.
  5. True about the 50 cals. I have had the chance to shoot the thermal as50 a few times. But we cant deal with that until standalone. but I kind of agree with you on the damage thing. Except, All of those you mention, except from the SVD, fires the same round. Damage should be different when at range.
  6. spexnax

    Where on earth are the vehicles?

    But if I look at the Wiki, it says: so and so many vehicles, this and that, there and there. But will there always be a heli on a server, and a UAZ etc? Or is it just chance, that makes them spawn? Because I am thinking, maybe someone hauled them all out of the map.. But Derpy just informed me that it cannot be so. So what do we do?
  7. spexnax

    Where on earth are the vehicles?

    Yes, but you see, i checked everywhere, I know my way around Chenarus. What if they are saved outside of the map? Will they disappear?
  8. spexnax

    Betrayed. On tape.

    In fact, the regular M4 holo i carry sometimes, has a not-working flashlight. Useless. :)
  9. spexnax

    Betrayed. On tape.

    I do not know, where to stand, on this. I have had the g36 sd holo myself, and that was of course hacked. But I really think that someone needs to get off their high horses with this. The M4 sd Holo is not overpowered, not at all. It is awesomely looking, but just as useless as the m4a3 sd cco. If he carried the ASfucking50TWS, it would be different. And people on this forum ALWAYS get their pantyhoes in a twist, even though the thread should not concern them.
  10. spexnax

    Thug life in this bitch

    This is great reading. One guy comes in, hopefully asking a question, but in a funny way. You all make fun of him, fucking hilarious. OP, go play Saints Row instead.
  11. spexnax

    Yak B-12.7

    I was shot omce by a similar thing. But i think it was the GAU thing on the A 10 Warthog. That thing packa a mean punch.
  12. From my point of view, Ownage. Also, I might add that DayZ is running on the Arma engine. You cannot just invent new anims like that, and besides, You are a survivor, not some SF guy.
  13. spexnax

    Guns hiss?

    The SVD you know. It has the same sound as the DMR M24 M14.
  14. spexnax

    Favorite gun and why?

    M24 for me, love the accuracy, shame about the sound, though. What, were the developers of ARMA2 really tired when they made the sounds? Same sound for M14, DMR, M24 and the freaking SVD... Lazy. I recently got the AS50 TWS and the Laser Marker, from someone, who carried those... I see why people like the tws, but I feel bad for them. The Laser Marker, however, is probably my fav weapon right now... For me, negates the use for L85, a gun i detest.
  15. spexnax

    Project Mayhem

    I will give my one satchel charge. Also, I think he wants to blow up the hive. Kind of like the movie, kind of, like.
  16. spexnax

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    I love, how initially, in this thread the usual flock of sheep storm in and spout the usual garbage. Do not get attached to your gear. Horse pooh like that. Then, people with necks and brains come in, and basically negate the sheep comments. This is a cookie cutter example, of how these threads turn out. Good reading.
  17. spexnax

    To the -gay- team

    I hope one of them comes along, and tries to tell his story. I have seen that multiple times. Funny stuff.
  18. spexnax

    Project Mayhem

    His name was Robert Paulson.
  19. spexnax

    items in tent disappear

    oh shit. i lost all my stuff, then.
  20. spexnax

    When hackers drop you from the sky

    If the server restarted, everything is lost. Are you absolutely sure you are in the right place?
  21. You are a tad delusional. Adult, sure... Do not call people bitches, and use the word "adult", in the same sentence. And threads like these are now what keep the forum going. People with legitimate complaints, and people like you, who say ALPHA FFS!, It´s a mod, you did not pay for this, etc... You are doing nothing new with this thread, in fact, i dare say you are part of the problem. Not the solution. I think YOU are immature, for jumping on a bandwagon. But to each his own, I guess.
  22. OP, You said that the graphical gagfucking, is because of a "bug" in an ARMA update. It is true, that the bugs started to occur when we got to version 1.62., but i read somewhere, that they needed to re-binarize the dead soldiers bodies, those bodies that cause the shit. To me, that is THE biggest thing, that needs fixing. I can wait for dogs, and all the other bullshit, but there is no excuse for not fixing such a glaring thing. Whether it is caused by the DayZ team, or Bohemia. I guess, as a temp. fix, they could just remove the bodies from the game/mod.
  23. What a fucker. But quite funny that he found you again. Just rubbing salt in the wound.
  24. spexnax

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Hi guys, just checking back in, to say that he and I just concluded our second trade. As always, I am extremely happy about my end. I can highly recommend trading with him, very friendly. Well, if you will excuse me, I have stuff to blow up and people to waste with this new baby.
  25. spexnax

    Bad FPS?

    Hello guys, I am wondering, why the hell do I have bad FPS in game when my friends have not? BEfore you say i have bad PC, i really do not. How and why does that work.