Hey Guys, first sry for my bad english^^ I know this is probably a known problem but i cannot stand anymore trying to figure out what goes wrong with my game. I heard of DayZ a week ago, so i buyed Arma X Anniversary Edition. Installed the Arma II and Arma II Operation Arrowhead and started it both. Installed the 1.60 Patch, also the beta patch. Day Z installed with Six and the manual way. My User ID has no letters : 146690 - Dave_2 Tried with different mods activated ingame and directly with -mod=@dayz etc. EVERY TIME THE SAME MESSAGE: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application... Also tried this Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085 Please help me. I dont know what to do. PS: If you delete the Thread, please send me a message with the already existing Thread.