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Everything posted by Fulgrim

  1. Fulgrim

    Pending Update: Build

    when will the patch hit im stuck in an army tent and cant see shit for 4 days now becomes kinda annoying -,- and those ''solutions'' dont work for everyone tried em all gave me 5 seconds without graphic glitch and then it went back , i dont really get why this isnt being hotfixed but that might be me
  2. Fulgrim

    Worst Game Experience ever

    20 minutes to spawn lol time for a new system and if your new you will die everyone does just go in again stop crying and read forums on how to do stuff like shake zombies just lure em into a building and they slow to a crawl or cut corners. im a noob to but never had such problems as you this game probably isnt for you and i lolled as well on my broken leg didnt go away xD you need to heal it -,-
  3. Fulgrim

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    yes and no tbh i say no to a gun but yes to a hatchet or any other melee weapon , but without is doable :P
  4. i am new and i dont mind not having a weapon but im considering one thing a guy who wanders arround with painkillers and bandages and a backpack couldnt pick up a hatchet at least? a hatchet would be nice so you can take down 1 or 2 that you attract but that might be me otherwise im having fun just crawl into a barn and there you find something most of the time
  5. He guys, i just got this game a few days and im really struggling mainly because i cant find a weapon and im to chicken to enter a town crawling with walkers/zombies to scavenge so here are my questions. 1. really simple but what are good places to start looking for a weapon? since im getting spanked right off the bat :P 2. is there any way to do something at night about the darkness cause i cant see shit xD i was dry humping a wall for a minute earlier on because i didnt see anything 3. should i even let other players know im there or just avoid em i got shot a few times alrdy so i rather leave em alone and move on. i hope you guys can help a noob out thanks in advance!