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Everything posted by Beefburger

  1. Beefburger

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    Are there vehicles enabled on the server?
  2. Alright so about a week ago i was in the elektro supermarket experiencing a strange graphical error that prevented me from seeing when suddenly "GRENADE". So i figured ill just DC because thats just retarted how i have to die because of a graphical error and i DC'd the second the grenade went off and i thought i lived. Then a few hours later i logged back in to see if i was alive or not and i spawned me on a fresh character so i just figured that my other character died. Then the next day i log in expecting to be on that fresh character i made but instead i log in on that character that was in the supermarket that got grenaded (but i was unconscious and bleeding so i died) and once that character died the game had me make a new character. So i play on this new character and it dies and then i die a few more times but then i finally get built up again and meet up with my friend who has my night vision goggles and AS50 and i didnt really trust my friend because he shot me once before but once he gives me my stuff he shoots me and i DC the second he shoots me (i know everyone reading this is probably thinking im one of those people who DC's whenever danger is around, well i dont, i usually fight it out but im not in the mood to let my friend kill me again). so then my other friend goes to where i am so he can get me up when i log in, but i log in on that old character that i made after my character in the supermarket got grenaded. So now im stuck on this old character that i now got some good gear on but im getting the feeling that im gonna log onto my NVG AS50 character one day and then lose the character im currently on. Has anyone else had this problem? and yes i know its quite a confusing story but this is what happened. Its sorta annoying having 2 characters not being able to control which one i go on so if anyone knows a fix, id be very grateful.
  3. Beefburger

    WTF!!!! A glitch gave me 2 characters

    It was not no video, but instead my screen was just white all over and i could see very little, the reason i didnt DC instantly was because my friend guided me around but once he was dead i was useless.
  4. Beefburger

    WTF!!!! A glitch gave me 2 characters

    Actually he killed everyone in our group. We were raiding NWAF and he was in the back of the line when we were walking out of the barracks and just unloaded his SAW into us. We lost 5 NVG's, 3 GPS's, 2 rangefinders, an SVD, AS50, M240, 4 Coyote backpacks and some other gear and guns. Im pretty sure he just wanted all the gear for himself and some of his other friends who just got the game. The second time he shot me, well im not really sure why he would make the trip to get to me, give me my stuff, then just shoot me. But thats what happened.
  5. Beefburger

    WTF!!!! A glitch gave me 2 characters

    Well nice to know it wont happen anymore. This is getting pretty annoying. And no i do not DC every time i see danger, im just not the kind of person who wants to die for retarted reasons.
  6. If you want my opinion on PvP i think that the current system of PvP is pretty much ok. What the system is missing is some form of benefits for being in a group, something to make players actually want to group up with other people instead of just shoot on sight. Currently there is no point in doing anything but kill other players you see because only good things can come out of killing them (in all honesty i am alright with that). There is also really no point in grouping up with a person because the benefits of that are severely outweighed by the benefits of killing the person. So what i am suggesting is keep all the benefits of killing people, that should remain a still good option when confronting a player, but balance that option with the option of grouping with people, make the benefits of each equal. I am completely against the total removal of PvP (that would just ruin DayZ) and i am against a humanity system because that is just too unrealistic. The simple but effective fix for the PvP problem is to do something to encourage players grouping with other players they dont know.
  7. My group has information on a group of 2 bandits last seen at northwest airfield on the regular difficulty Chicago 118. They are split up, one of them is at the northern outskirts of northwest while the other is in the middle of the runway past the fire station. Their in-game names are Treefiddy and Craig. They have standard survivor skins, 3 NVG's, 3 GPS's, 2 ALICE packs, an AS50 with about 10 mags, an M4, an M24, an M16, a PDW, an M1911, and various other items. My group will be very grateful for their deaths and enjoy the gear as compensation. There is a possibility of them also showing up on the veteran difficulty Chicago 118. They live on the East Coast of the United States and are generally on at night. They usually go on Chicago based servers and roam the more northern part of the map. If you are wondering how i know all of these details, my group used to play with them. If you do manage to kill them i would appreciate a comment to this thread with the kill confirmation. Play Safe, Beefburger
  8. If you want my opinion on PvP i think that the current system of PvP is pretty much ok. What the system is missing is some form of benefits for being in a group, something to make players actually want to group up with other people instead of just shoot on sight. Currently there is no point in doing anything but kill other players you see because only good things can come out of killing them (in all honesty i am alright with that). There is also really no point in grouping up with a person because the benefits of that are severely outweighed by the benefits of killing the person. So what i am suggesting is keep all the benefits of killing people, that should remain a still good option when confronting a player, but balance that option with the option of grouping with people, make the benefits of each equal. I am completely against the total removal of PvP (that would just ruin DayZ) and i am against a humanity system because that is just too unrealistic. The simple but effective fix for the PvP problem is to do something to encourage players grouping with other players they dont know.
  9. I am not really sure why so many people are getting mad that i'm giving out a chance to get some really good gear and kill some bandits. If you have a major problem with that then just ignore the thread.
  10. Beefburger

    Fat-Lasagna.com's Day Z Fun

    Bro your server is full of thieves. My group has lost 5 cars on your server already, and i have a feeling it'll be 6 by the time i log on next.