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Everything posted by Tordenskiold

  1. Tordenskiold

    My PC/FPS issues

    what brand is your videocard?
  2. Hi. Just som feedback and a question from me. I think this is a great server. Really fast to get into and next to no problems that i have encountered. But one thing i'm wondering about is the vehicles. It's stated that there are 80+ vehicles, and while i dont know how many players there are on the server i rarely see more than 5-6 at once. Today i've completed a grand tour of the map with the exception of the edges of the map where i assume the camps are. I know where all the default spawn points to vehicles are, and yet i didnt come across a single vehicle. Not one, not even a ATV or a bike. So i guess there are some serious hoarders in this server. And that means if i really want a vehicle i will need to run along the edge of the map to find one, something i would prefer not to do since that means someone else s hard work will be taken from them ;)
  3. Stuck on waiting for character to create today. Somthing wrong with the server?
  4. Just a quick question. during the server restart today, two vehicles in theire spawn location disappeared. any idea why? I was gonna fix one of them and they both disappeared after the reset.
  5. Had my first session today. It was great. Loot spawned quickly as well :)
  6. I've sent an email. How long until i can join? :)
  7. Hi all, gonna try to join your server. Seems like a nice place, and i'm desperate to get away from the hackers killing my character several times a week :(
  8. Tordenskiold

    Looking for a good private hive server

    Sorry to highjack the thread, I'm also looking for a private hive/server. I'm located in norway, so any european servers should be okay. I play on a regular basis, not a member of a clan or group at the moment. I'm what you could call a mature player, no sniping of fresh spawns on my part.
  9. Tordenskiold

    SE 7 - Relaunched with Private hive!

    Can i join? I'm desperate for a private hive. Getting killed by hackers every day i play on the normal servers.
  10. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    Server dead?
  11. My first reaction to the reintroduction to the bandit skin was positive. But now I don't like it anymore. I'm currently a bandit with -8000 humanity. Why? Because i kill people that shoot at me. All in self defense. And that seem to make me a bandit, even when i not. I can try to run away, but sometimes shooting the other survivor is the only way to live another day. Does that make me a bandit that warrants a "shoot on sight" tag?
  12. Tordenskiold

    While i may looke like one, i'm NOT a bandit!

    I'm sure it does, but that's not a proper solution imo. I'm more interested in the game mechanics on this issue. The point being that a bandit is someone "bad" ...
  13. Tordenskiold

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Same here
  14. Tordenskiold

    Backpack Disapearing

    Same problem here. When i spawn i look like a bandit, and after a while i change to normal survivor skin. When that happens i loose my backpack to the coyote patrol. As a result loosing most of my stuff in the alice ( or simmilar) backpack.
  15. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    Hackers galore on this server today, Killed 3 times already today.
  16. Tordenskiold

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    I kill out of fear. Fear of getting killed myself. But i will not shoot anyone that doesn't see me unless its a bandit. And there are a lot of bandits around.
  17. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    And now its extremely slow again, and not that many players on the server (20 or so)
  18. Tordenskiold

    Incredible loot find

    Ha en incredible gaming session today. I was near Gorka and found 2 crashed helicopters. Using my equipped AS50 i could see several guns on each chopper, and no spawned zombies. When i investigated i found 1 more AS50 and two FN FAL AN/PVS-4 with 2 Magazines each. In addition to that there was much more lesser interesting stuff. If i'm not mistaking i think the FAL is one of the rarest guns in the game? So i must have been incredibly lucky to stumble on this? I ended keeping my AS50 and taking one of the FN FAL and all 4 magazines. I guess its my lucky day :D And i was a nice guy and left the rest for another player....
  19. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    Works like a charm now. Pretty quick spawn time as well :D
  20. Tordenskiold

    Incredible loot find

    I've previously found several FN FAL, but never the NV version. That's why i thought it was rare. My bad :D
  21. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    Looks like it. I cant get it at least.
  22. Tordenskiold

    SE 47 Server thread

    Hi. Played a little on the server tonight with around 30 players on the server. The spawning time on the zombies and loot where incredible slow. Loot took allmost 10 minutes before appearing. Is this normal?
  23. Tordenskiold

    Sniping, boooring...

    I've played Dayz for a couple of months now, but never put my hands on a decent scoped gun. Yesterday i stumbled upon a tent with a AS50 with 10mags, ghillie and some other good stuff. My initial reaction was pure joy. I have heard about them and been killed by them numerous times. Finally it was my turn to be the hunter. With the possible excetion to sniping fresh spawns along the coast (something i will never do), i gotta say the sniping part is boring as hell. Its an awesome gun, but sitting in the same place waiting for a prey is really boring. I really dont get how people enjoy this. I like it close and dangerous if there is a shootout.
  24. Usually, less players on a server equals faster loading time. But on some servers even with only 1-2 players i can take 5-10 minutes. My ping on the server is around 30-50. Any ideas why it takes so much time?