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About ScareCrowNL

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ArmA name-ScarecrowNL Email-teun_majoortje@live.nl Gender-Male Age-Country, State/Province/Territory/Ect, & TimeZone- 15-Netherlands, Noord-Brabant+1 Available Hours WK & WKND- 2-4 How Long Played DayZ- A few months Wanted Position- Soldier Wanted Weapon (be realistic)- M14, M4A1 Skills- Finding Loot, Quick Reactions, Good as a team and solo Weaknesses- Not much experience with ARMA engine, medium performance of PC Skype/TS/Vent/Steam- TS:majoortje Steam:majoortje Additional Details- Farewell
  2. ScareCrowNL


    So the dog update got me thinking.... What if there were wild horses running around in Chernarus, you would have to find saddle's and other gear in farms and they would be extremely rare, they would need feeding and drinking, and would have very low health and a top speed of about 40-50 KMH. With saddle they wont run away but without they just move about. I have no idea if this is possible to make in the ARMA engine but it's a suggestion, please tell me what you think and if someone else already came up with this idea I searched but I couldn't find anything, but apoligies to anyone who already spread this idea.
  3. Hey, I'm interested, I'm 14 years old and I have been playing DayZ for a few months now, I'm not a great player but not crappy either. I have skype and also DayZ Commander, but my internet isn't fantastic so I can only play on european servers, also I'm having some problems with my mic but I'll get that fixed I'm Dutch btw -ScarecrowNL :)