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Everything posted by Morganski

  1. I'm in need of help. I am low on blood and keep passing out. I am up at Berenzino near the docks, and I have 2 blood bags on me. (Funny enough went to Berezino for med supplies and now find out I cannot use them on myself). I've tried messaging the medics on the threads, but I don't get any responses. So if anyone is willing to help me, please reply here, or add me on steam Morgan604. Any help would be appreciated, I can supply you with a couple of cans of food for your help.
  2. Morganski

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am in need of a blood transfusion. I'm down to about 2500 blood and am passing out all the time. I have 2 bloodbags on my and willing to give one away if you'll come help me. I am up near Berenzino at the docks. Msg me on here or steam. My id is Morgan604
  3. I am stuck in Berenzino at the docks. I play on the seattle severs mainly, but could obviously server hop for help. I have the bloodbag, I just really need someone to transfuse for me. I can offer a couple of cans of food if someone will help me out. PM me or message me on steam Morgan604
  4. I play on the Seattle servers, I am currently up near Berezino and I am low on blood. I have a lot of food/water and a few blood packs. I am really looking for someone to give me a hand and hopefully play together. I am new, only had the game since yesterday, I am friendly. Located in the Northwest, if you're interested message me on steam Morgan604 or you can always reply on the boards/pm me.
  5. Morganski

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Low on blood, I have the supply just need someone to transfuse for me. Berenzino docks, seattle server. Anyone able to help out?
  6. Morganski

    group nowwww

    What server you playing on?
  7. Morganski

    Looking for party up

    I'm Looking for a group too. What server you guys play on?