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About santyclaus

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  1. santyclaus

    Hacker encounter?

    I must admit when playing with friends I can still have a ton of fun with it. DayZ is a gaming experience which can't be topped easily :)
  2. santyclaus

    Hacker encounter?

    Not sure if he was hacking or eventually just glitching. If he was a hacker is there any chance he will get banned?
  3. santyclaus

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Whee I just have been at Gamescom playing 1.7.3 at the Arma III stand. It was kinda funny to realize that like 80% of the people who were standing in line wanted to play DayZ only and weren't really interested in Arma 3 and the other game (of which I forgot the name :D). Also there are still artifacts in 1.7.3 (or whatever version we were able to play; I got a dog as follower!) and the playtime was kinda limited :/ However DayZ is great :]
  4. santyclaus

    Video Editing Software

    What about any sony vegas platinum edition? :)
  5. santyclaus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    It's so sad to see countless people harshly complaining about the work of others who provide a free game for us. DayZ is great game and to be honest the best gaming experience I've undergone so far. The devs need to work work under extreme pressure seeing the unique player amount raising about 5000 from one day to the next who all want to play the game without any issues. The DayZ devs are not dice or treyarch who even fail to get their games into a perfect state without any bugs no one of us has the right to complain about what they do. They need their time and we have to be pleased with what we get for now or just stop playing and come back in some months.
  6. santyclaus

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Well see you at Gamescom (:
  7. santyclaus

    Day Z Videos

    This is kinda embarrassing since I almost died due to an idiotic mistake but that's what makes the video funny, too :P
  8. santyclaus

    having fun (:

    Take a look at my other DayZ uploads you might enjoy them. Thanks for checking this out!
  9. santyclaus

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    Wow I don't wanna be responsible for this guy getting banned. He seriously seemed pretty nice and I just wanted to ask whether the helicopter is in DayZ or not :s
  10. santyclaus

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    It definetely wasn two months ago. If you take a look at the debug info you can already see that the temperature was available. That's not too old I think (: And I didn't shoot him because I was fairly new to the game and happy toencounter my first helicopter. This guy also seemed kinda nice so I decided to just enjoy the ride :)
  11. santyclaus

    DayZ Memes

  12. santyclaus

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    Hey there :) About two weeks ago - I don't remember the exact date - some guy in the chat (BullDoggy) said he'd be in control of a helicopter and willing to pick people up and fly them to locations they'd like to visit or just go to. So.. I gave him my location and he picked me up with the helicopter you can see in the video. It definetely was a Mi-8 and I didn't know it existed in DayZ since it's not listed on the offical Dayz Wiki nor have I seen it before. Can anyone explain me where he got that helicopter? I was quite new to the game so I didn't care as much and simply enjoyed my first ride in a helicopter :3