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Posts posted by ChAoS_Nope

  1. In the north fire station, to be exact.

    Anyway, I walk out, happy the map and couple grenades I had gotten, ready to GTFO of this godforsaken city of HEEEELLLLL.

    I walk out the front door and a Survivor comes tearing in the gate, like 6-8 Zeus behind him.

    First thing I do is check him for weapons, he appears to have non, I'm usually a bandit, yeah, but shooting weaponless people is just cruel, and a waste of ammo.

    So I decide to help him out, I explain to him I'll get the Zombies off of him, so I raise my Enfield (lol) and kill them.

    I then told him I'll see him later, and good luck.

    I may have expected a "thanks" or two.

    What do I get?

    He tries to steal my stuff instead.


    You try to steal my stuff when I obviously have a gun and you don't?

    The sheer stupidity of some people.
