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Everything posted by vision1776

  1. I dont necessarily agree but maybe allow a player to give himself a blood transfusion while he is located at a hospital? That seems fair enough atleast. I do enjoy the "team play" that blood transfusions induce though. BTW incase any noobs out there... Eating cooked meat restores plenty of blood. I think its 700 - 800 blood I dont remember which one.
  2. vision1776

    Telepathic groups of survivors

    Well here is one obvious problem: How would you be able to communicate in game then if everyone is sounding like a robot or whatever? Nevermind, the idea is not perfect anymore but its a start... Maybe in could be an in-game option to mumble your speech when you dont want people to hear you on teamspeak or something. Like switch channels to "Direct communication" or "Direct communication private." Maybe that would fix the problem? But then you would still have an annoying echoe of mumbling in the background when speaking to your team on teamspeak or skype... <_< Maybe instead of a mumbling it could be like radio noises so that you can freely speak on team speak without a bunch of background noises. Something that can easily fit in to other speech without interrupting or destroying communication. Either way I like where this is headed.
  3. I like the idea but I am not sure its cool that when you kill someone you will take all of the journals they also had acquired. Maybe just a journal of the person you killed. Think about how many journals you would end up taking for each kill as time progresses It would multiply exponentially. I say limit the journal you pick up as only the one from the person you killed and not all of the journals he has picked up. ctrl + J would be a good addition as well but I think adding it to the "map notes" section would work.
  4. I like the idea of giving the options to whisper, speak and shout. Just dont allow players to lock them on. Although I have not seen someone walking around with music playing I can see that being annoying if you experienced it. Zombies should be able to hear speech if this is supposed to be realistic anyways.
  5. vision1776

    Suggestion: Megaphone

    Instead of adding a rare item "Megaphone" which I have no problem with. Why not give players the option to "shout", "Speak", or "Whisper"? turn all three of those into different channels and vuahla. All three channels are "direct communication" with different hearing distances.
  6. vision1776

    Tweak: Sounds

    I agree that sounds need some tweaking. I see some fixes on that in Arma 3 though not Arma 2. I also really like the JSRS sound mods. I wish I could turn those on when playing DayZ. give the player the option to turn on sound mods that affect only the player using them. I dont see why not.
  7. vision1776

    A possible small addition..

    Adding a sound when you open a bag should be an easy add and would be a great idea. +1
  8. vision1776

    Roaming Military

    Make it a random group of military personel that survived which enters the server at some point and starts cleaning up. They shoot everything on sight since they cant distinguish infected from not infected and they are completely paranoid so they like to stick to the roads and move from town to town. I like the idea of some NPCs in general but making them very scarce so that we dont get used to seeing humans all over the place. It would be sweet to ambush such a group.
  9. If more people knew how to detect a bandit there would be less killing on sight. Sadly most people dont realize that when you aim at a player, if he is a bandit, you will hear a heartbeat. This idea is awesome and is how the game is now. Instead of a bandit wearing bright colors to distinguish himself, you can recognize an evil person by the way they act and the way speak, and by looking at their eyes. In the game you cant do that because everyone looks the same. The way to resemble something similar is the way they have it now. When you recognize a player as a bandit by aiming at him your heartbeat sounds loud as if you have just seen a really bad person. That is how the game is right now and I like it. I recently killed a bandit who tried to fool me into becoming his friend. I realized that when I looked at him I would hear this heart beat everytime. I ended up backstabbing him in a dark forest and taking all his gear before he did it to me.
  10. vision1776

    PvP structure suggestion

    This has to be a joke but if not: I dont like any of the ideas. Spawning in groups is stupid because it is no longer about survival but about tribes. I got nothing against tribes but that is not what DayZ is about. Poisoning the water is a bad idea becase the only reason you would do it is to kill mass amounts of people. Not fun and too much chaos. Friendly fire in real life wouldnt hurt the person shooting other than pshycological remorse. The whole idea of dealing damage to a player who shoots a friendly is completely stupid and unrealistic then again I saw something like that once when playing call of duty. Just pure garbage.
  11. vision1776

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    What are the chances of "you" finding such a gun in a zombie apocalypse? 50 caliber sniper rifle is retarded. The M24 or similars would be more likely as well as hunting rifles not a 50 cal sniper rifle. They need to add more russian military weapons and get rid of the 50 cal and anti material rifle. Even though I hate those weapons I think the priority would be to get rid of thermo sighted guns completely.
  12. I like the heart beat idea the way it is. I actually ran across someone with that "Heartbeat" and I killed him but it ended up giving me a murder. Apparently a survivor was cursed with the heart beat. Oh well so sad for him. I am putting his loot to good use anyhow.
  13. vision1776

    You should add SUV's

    I love the people who just diss on people's suggestions. Even if it is a simple suggestion I think its aweesome. It has been suggested probably a million times but it would be sweet nonetheless
  14. vision1776

    The best suggestion ever

    Everyone that jumped on the bash on the suggestion bandwagon needs to realize that he makes an excellent point and that this is a suggestion that he has every right to make. I find his style to be rude but he is damn right to make such a suggestion. Even the best programmers need to be reminded of their mistakes and need to accept suggestions. This is a good suggestion imo.
  15. vision1776

    Telepathic groups of survivors

    Its perfect!
  16. vision1776

    Suggestion: Flint Lighter

    You could add lighters too and that lighters would run out slower than matches. Fire steels or magnesium bars being the ones that last the longest but take longer to light. I like the ideas.
  17. I see where this is going. Morphine should relieve pain but don't take away pain killers because pain killers can substitute people from wasting their morphine.
  18. As far as coop goes, you are right. If zombies were much harder and all over the place then I would definitely want to team up on sight rather than shoot on sight. But right now, zombies appear as you move into a town and they can barely see me. Im more concerned about players I might find in there or snipers who are watching me from the hills. Zombies are the least of my worries.
  19. vision1776

    The best suggestion ever

    Zyme is absolutely right. Rude, but dead on right. As a programmer myself I would rather "FIX" known issues before attempting to add more features thus complicating things even further. It is a simple truth and the truth hurts... What they already have in place is great and they just need to polish it out. Then later they can add new features like the bear traps and so forth. The zombie mod they are using for Dayz needs to be completely re-done from scratch unless they can figure out why zombies are moving through objects like walls and such. This would be my top priority if I was the one responsible. But whatever. Dayz is fun to play nonetheless.
  20. vision1776

    Character death should carry more weight

    Want to make it having more meaning to die huh? Then turn a dead player into an infected and let him run off and try to kill more survivors until he gets capped in the head and respawns.
  21. vision1776

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    Dont take away snipers. Just take away the thermo sights and the 1 shot anywhere snipers. The M24 and other snipers are fine and add to the suspense of the game. It is much more rewarding to get loot and get out knowing that you are taking a huge risk. Without these snipers the game is too easy. Zombies are retarded AI and they are too easy to even get me scared. Snipers are much more scary.
  22. This is why I shoot on and sight: Any player that appears armed is not to be trusted. I dont know if they will shoot me when they see me. That is why I shoot first and ask questions later. I try to let strangers pass by but it is always a decision I need to make. I dont know if he will notice me sometime later and then shoot me. I have to kill them because they are already a bigger threat than any of these retarded zombies. Ofcourse if you take away all possibilities to discharge any firearms you would see less PVP but then again you would see more "boring." Making bullets so scarce would make the game boring. What are you supposed to do then? Crawl around looking for food? Think about it. A zombie domination is what people like you are looking for. Dayz isnt going to offer that so unless someone else makes a zombie domination game where coop is key, you will not see that in DayZ. The only coop you will see in DayZ is when you are in a group of trusted players that you know personally outside the game.
  23. vision1776

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    My character vanished recently. Im guessing it has something to do with the updates. I ended up appearing in a desert with no grass or trees (guessing outside the map). I found AI players standing around in a group outside the map and they would look at me and creep me out. Sadly, I kept joining different servers to see if anything was fixed but I ended up having to respawn to finally get out of the scenario I was in. I lost my M24 along with all my stats in the process =/
  24. vision1776

    Camping tents glitched

    Im sure this has been mentioned before but I couldnt find a thread on it. I finally have found a tent and have noticed that I cant seem to place it anywhere basically. I am standing on flat as hell ground and it keeps telling me that I cant pitch a tent. Why cant we jsut pitch a tent anywhere we want? In real life I pitched a tent on slithly slanted terran and slept just fine.
  25. vision1776

    A few suggestions.

    I like all your ideas but I am not sure what the goal of the base would be. But just so you know, there is an apparent hate of any idea regarding adding NPCs of any kind to the game by this forum. I actually think adding some NPCs would add more objective to the game rather than killing unarmed players at Elektro.