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Everything posted by vision1776

  1. Or having it attached to your tool belt thus increasing your current bag capacity by 6 or whatever. I like that idea best. I am also a fan of adding more loot to military and police zombies. You should be able to wear their camo. first think I thought of when I first started playing this game and I still think even if it makes camo less rare I prefer realism over rarity.
  2. vision1776

    Third person vs First person view

    I used to complain about 3rd person view as well. recently though I have found that 3rd person is more realistic. In real life you can see alot more than what first person shows you. you also have other senses that help you figure out where things are located. 3rd person is realistic up until people use it to peak around corners but it is more realistic than first person. Fact is, neither is perfect. One idea would be to restrict first person when at a town or village but allow 3rd person when running through woodland and fields.
  3. vision1776

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Why does the .45 revolver kill zombies at 1 shot but the 1911 .45 doesnt?? Is this seriously one of the changes?
  4. vision1776

    Currency System

    Dont necessarily need the NPCs selling rare items. Just buying supplies from people and then allowing other players to buy them. Its a community designed for trade. IT will motivate more coop and more objectives and more trading. AS the game stands right now, you just CANNOT trade with anyone. Its way too risky because 90% of the players shoot on sight.
  5. vision1776

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Right, because you definetly need to team up to survive.... NOT.... Your chances are better at surviving if you shoot on sight. I dont like the idea of bandit skins but there needs to be much more incentive to "team up" which currently there isnt.
  6. vision1776

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    exactly Great idea making DayZ one big Free for all with a bunch of zombies bothering everyone.
  7. vision1776

    Currency System

    currency is the inevitable future in a post apocalyptic scenario. Barter starts to become burdensome, that is why in every civilization a currency arises to help in trading. I like the idea of having 3 military camps guarded by npcs against bandits where players can go to trade and form groups. A fiat currency of some kind is accepted there. Getting money can only be done by selling what you have at the military camps. That money is accepted at any of those camps as a means for easier barter. In a real life scenario, you probably wouldnt see this too soon after a breakout but sooner or later these kinds of things would start to pop up in real life. I like DayZ as it is now but I wouldnt mind trying something new like this out.
  8. vision1776

    Hidden Stash

    Allow players to carry an empty backpack into their inventory (these are not so hard to find as is). The back pack can be hidden and used for storing some gear and holds as much gear as the back pack would normally hold. This is your very own hidden stash that you can hide anywhere of your choosing kind of like setting up a tent but that it holds much less things ofcourse. Hide it in a bush or any place of your choosing. Tents are pretty rare as is and It would be cool to hide an extra pistol or some medicine at a location you and your buddies know of.
  9. vision1776

    Hidden Stash

    finally finally someone that gets it.
  10. vision1776

    Players camping towns for new players

    I know now why the guy who posted this thread did it. Yesterday I had to respawn because of some stupid glitch where my character teleported outside the map. I went around unarmed to Cherno to look for a quick loot and what did I find? Player with AK74 who looked at me for 2 seconds, saw that I was an unarmed new player, and shoots me twice for no reason. Come on fellas, this is getting stupid now. Play the game like you would in real life and stop shooting people on sight even though they are of absolutely no threat to anyone.
  11. vision1776

    Tweak: Sounds

    haha you are concerned about cheaters yet Im seeing players spawning in Berezino fully armed seconds after I kill them. But adding a JSRS sound mod would be cheating...
  12. vision1776

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    Lets be real here guys. If we wanted this to be realistic then I should be starting with a handgun, 2 mags, 870 remington, 50 shells, 20 slugs, flashlight, mace, knife, BDUs, tent, 3 days worth of food and water, heat packs, can opener, compass, whistle and GPS. Everyone talks about making this realistic so how about it?
  13. vision1776

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    1 tent per player. if( player == dead AND player_tent == 1) { player_starting_tent = false } End if problem solved
  14. vision1776

    The best suggestion ever

    Well considering that the devs dont really look at the suggestions forum I dont see why keep trying random things out like "bear traps" when there a ton of other stuff being mentioned that is even cooler or would make the game funner.
  15. vision1776

    Suggestion: Hour of Hard Zombies

    cool suggestion. Problem is most people would just disconnect and wait till it was over.
  16. vision1776

    Give me 'dem teeth

    If I had to guess that in a post apocalyptic scenario that soon after barter became burdensome a group of traders or merchants could start a fiat currency like paper money or zombie teeth which they would accept as barter among their various trade camps. Sooner or later the fiat currency would start to increase it's influence further and further until almost everyone was accepting it as a means to help in bartering. Whether it be zombie teeth or what have you. Zombie teeth would be cool because it woula also create incentive for people to kill zombies thus helping the general good. But with low population barter would stand for a long time.
  17. vision1776

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    Limit one tent per player.... problem solved
  18. vision1776

    How to fix D/Cers. For real.

    but then you could disconnect and reconnect to kill your own body and steal your own stuff.
  19. vision1776

    How to stop Alt+F4

    screw the legit disconnects. There are few cases and if that is the case then fix your disconnect problem. Better a few legit disconnects pay for the cheating of other players than EVERYONE is cheating all the time because of a few players that have problems with their connections.
  20. vision1776

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    the reason why I like tents is because they create incentive for players to keep going scavenging for more so they can store away in their tents.
  21. vision1776

    Forcing surrender

    I like this idea even better. Forcing surrender takes away from the choice of a player to do what he would want to do thus why I dont like it. They should add tazers for knocking people down without killing them as well. A pistol tazer gun like the ones cops use would be cool.
  22. vision1776

    How to fix D/Cers. For real.

    Everytime I hear the word "disconnecting" all I can think of is making characters persistent to servers and that when you disconnect you setup a sleeping bag and go to sleep. Players can rob you and kill you while you sleep and zombies can find you and eat you thus making "survival" even more crazy. Ofcourse you could find one of those houses that you cant enter and there would be an option to disconnect in there for the option of a safe house. Now you would have to think twice about where you would be going to sleep/disconnecting. Server hopping would be gone and Alt F4 would make you fall asleep in front of your enemies. You could have more than one character because each character's data is stored in the server.
  23. vision1776

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    I certainly wouldnt be against it.