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Everything posted by trooper911

  1. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ran from Staroye to Elektro hospital. Was greeted by a crashed, but running A-10. At first I thought it was just the sound effect of a building or something. As I got closer I thought there was a helicopter in the sky, then I saw an A-10 lol. I carried on through the dead bodies in the distance and gunshots not 100m away. Closer to the hospital a helicopter could be heard, 5 seconds later lots of explosions and rising black smoke not too far. I knew I should have left before I got killed by a hacker but I carried on till I got opposite the hospital and didn't leave till I realised the hospital had been blown to pieces. Joined a night server, after being frustrated by indestructible glass I got my supplies and set off. Back at Staroye I got greedy and made a trip to Stary tents since it was pitch black with 4 others in the server. Found an AKS-74 Kobra with 7 mags, got back to my tent and called it a night. Anyway I'm fully re-supplied so I'll be available tomorrow. :thumbsup:
  2. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone needs help in Elektro add me on steam here Heading that way since I'm out of supplies :beans:
  3. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Didn't a medic come for you at nwaf and die? (the reason I refused, btw) I'd call that 'actual' help. Also, you'd probably get a faster response if you wasn't in such a popular place.
  4. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    umadbro? I'm not meeting strangers unarmed :P
  5. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ah, in that case I'm pretty far from you atm, sorry
  6. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help if you tell me your proper location. I don't know if you realise, but there are 2119 servers currently, so nobody is going to run over to your location to find you...
  7. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm nearby. Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/Trooper911/
  8. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    PM me for help if you're around SE, currently in Msta
  9. This server is always good, and any downtimes get fixed pretty fast.
  10. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm operating in that area, Packard. I'll add you on steam
  11. trooper911

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    I wear my ghillie suit because it's funny to watch people walk straight past you, even 5m away, (and as a medic and not a bandit, it's handy to gain the upper hand when you see someone who doesn't care who he kills ;))
  12. trooper911

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    Yep. My ghillie suit has 100m bear traps hanging out of it. Watch out!
  13. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Damn this game! Ran 4500m to a patient and got kicked. Spawned in the wilderness with all my gear gone, logged out & back into another server and spawned with all my gear near Elektro, lol. Time to start running again :P
  14. trooper911

    UK123 New Veteran server in UK [UTC-6]

    Wasn't the server 3DP: ON before?
  15. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This please. Some medics do not mind going into small towns, but please don't expect help in like, Elektro firestation or NWAF barracks or Stary tents. Just yesterday a medic died trying to help someone who was asking for help at NWAF 100 times, if the guy was somewhere safer the medic could've helped a few more people instead of having to recollect himself as a fresh spawn ;)
  16. So we (players) should update to 95208?
  17. You never die when you log out. But if you're logged out for a while, the next time you log back in it will almost be flashing.
  18. trooper911

    For those who don't know, ghillie suits

    Not true for everyone. I've been wearing mine and it hasn't changed anything.
  19. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    There really is absolutely no need to spam the topic, if anything it'll just bury your request even more. As you can see not only is it hard to keep your request visible in here, but it's also not so easy for medics to shuffle through them all neither. While a solution is in the works, for now, spamming the topic will not help the situation. Even though you said the server is empty, many single medics still would rather not go there. For areas like this, if nobody responds you should contact http://ratedmgaming.com/helpme
  20. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Won't be able to play till Monday. Stay safe medics! :beans:
  21. trooper911

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    I hope servers update to this soon, because I've been having a lot of problems with the previous one 95054
  22. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    RMG = King of medics! If any medic has a tent that I can use please PM me. I need to go on a hospital run but I'd rather not risk all this kewl lewt I have lol. All the tents I know of are either on outdated servers or have disappeared :( Also, I'm available around Kozlovka atm, but no blood packs. Mainly morphine and antibiotics!
  23. trooper911

    Third person vs First person view

    No. Sorry but in real life my vision isn't restricted to a small box in front of my eyes, so no, first person in this game isn't very realistic imo. I agree there are problems with exploiting of 3DP, but I enjoy the game more in 3DP and I don't want to get a headache whenever I play, because I'm restricted to viewing a little square box that bounces up and down all the time.
  24. trooper911

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    +1. I don't even understand anymore, all these different beta patches coming out daily.. I've no clue which one to actually use.
  25. trooper911

    Should I replace the NV FN FAL?

    I found one at a crash site today, but I left it since I already have an FN FAL + NVG. Imo it's pretty useless.