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Everything posted by trooper911

  1. RatedMGaming.com DayZFallujah - 1.0 - (UTC-7) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - www.RatedMGaming.com | Gotcha-AntiHack Protected IP: DayZLingor - (0.34/97240) - (UTC-7) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - www.RatedMGaming.com | Gotcha-AntiHack Protected IP: DayZTakistan - 1.2 - (UTC-7) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - www.RatedMGaming.com | Gotcha-AntiHack Protected IP: All of the servers are hosted by Vilayer. There are a number of admins always monitoring the server for hackers. The servers are always daytime. The servers have a large amount of vehicles, with the Fallujah and Takistan servers containing a number of helicopters and planes. We also provide medical help. You can ask for help in the Teamspeak or go here Rules: Combat logging will be punished. Exploiting (including using voice chat on side channel) is not allowed. Killing of anyone, anywhere is allowed. All staff and players should be respected. We also have a Teamspeak channel. Players are welcome to use it. We are always trying to improve our servers, and will inform you of any changes. We're currently looking to populate the servers again, so everyone is welcome to come and check them out :)
  2. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    No need to jump on the defensive Ender. RMG and TMW (before TMW was even TMW) were working side by side when it all started, and RMG were included in the meeting that got all this started in the first place. TMW has become a huge success for DayZ, but it doesn't mean groups or lone medics can't do the same thing as them without being labelled as moonlighting or whatever. & off-topic, but RMG working medical runs in Takistan and Lingor would be an even greater help, since we don't have many medics who actively seek people to help on those maps. lmao that sucks :P
  3. Yup. I bet a hell of a lot of players have moved to private servers, including me.
  4. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Where does it say that? As far as I know, it goes like this: 1) Help a patient 2) get them to describe here how you helped them 3) private message Wasteland with a link to the patients description and link him to your steam community page. 4) join the whitelist 5) $$$$$$$$?
  5. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Please try not to spam the topic with private discussions. Keep it as brief as possible and take it to steam/teamspeak/skype/whatever ;)
  6. trooper911

    Medic signature

    Nice stuff!
  7. trooper911

    Script restriction 20

    Anyone have any idea of what this means? I searched for it but couldn't find anything. I was kicked off the server for it and every time I try to get back in, 1 second after it finishes loading I get kicked for the same thing. It also happens to my friend and (I think) everyone else in the server.
  8. trooper911

    GPS proper use

    left shift + click markers are only viewable by yourself. Double click waypoints are viewable by everyone in the server.
  9. trooper911

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Don't worry Heaven, you're next on the list for our daily douchebag award!
  10. trooper911

    Killed any bandits lately? Tell your story

    I was in Elektro rearming after being killed. I was scouting out on top of the firestation roof and noticed some aggro'd zeds, and behold there was a dude sitting in a house. I couldn't tell much since he was too far away, and I had a Lee Enfield, but behold he ran straight to the firestation I was in. I could see before he came in that he had a bandit skin so I took the ladder down to the bottom roof, and watched the window. He came up and I took some shots with the god awful enfield, and he took some shots. Zombies were coming up so he ran down and I could see him on the side of the firestation, followed by some hits and screaming. I came down and shot the zombie eating him and said "I don't like bandits" and proceeded to shoot him in the face B)
  11. trooper911

    Whats your autowalk contraption ?

    Hold down W and press shift+tab to go into Steam overlay, then shift+tab back into the game and voilà Damn it, Sjors beat me to it!
  12. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'd appreciate it if any medics could provide me with a lift in any transport. I'm currently west of Sosnovka.
  13. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I suppose it depends on how suspicious you are. If it's like a guy with a bandit skin and an AS50 sitting up on sniper hill asking for help, I for one would definitely require the sitting down animation to go anywhere near him, even if I did :P
  14. trooper911

    Chopper Help

    You have to wait for a server restart and they refill automatically.
  15. trooper911

    Remember, no Whitelists

    I won't even waste other patients time by being cautious and making them face the corner with their hands behind their back. I'll just let you kill me and proceed to run back while the other 4 guys watching me from somewhere take you out. Trolololol
  16. trooper911

    Humanity Reset

    I think humanity is just a bit bugged in general. Hopefully will be fixed with the next patch.
  17. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any suppliers can provide me with some NVG and maybe a GPS if you're kind, in 1 or 2 hours, please PM me. Would be super duper appreciated :)
  18. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Our chopper team managed to help quite a few people after a couple days of having problems, there was a lot of backlog in teamspeak lol
  19. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Bandit hunting us down? Sounds fun :D
  20. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Those kinds of specifics are fine. As long as he doesn't post his server, it won't matter.
  21. trooper911

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Nobody said bandits will be banned, but if there is a wanted poster with a known bandit, AKA a blacklist, then it gives us a heads up about the bandits. This doesn't ban them from playing there though. Also it'll be grea to see what this idea brings us in the future!
  22. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry Soul, this week hasn't been good for my DayZ playing times :P But there doesn't seem to be any shortage of medics nowadays. I need to resort to shooting people just so that we get more patients! :o
  23. trooper911

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any of them medics in the sky are available I could do with a lift atm, can repay with lots and lots of goodies. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Trooper911
  24. trooper911

    Dear Bernd (and your crew)

    # They are pretty cool :D
  25. trooper911

    POLL: Graphic Glitches &

    It doesn't seem to be as bad as before. Sometimes I can go past an airfield and berezino without any artifacts.