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About DragoValhar

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  1. DragoValhar

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    Not really a game for the deaf, honestly if they have no idea where gun fire is coming from at any time they're going to die alot and not have a good time. This is a game a defaf person should definitely NOT play. But implementing entire systems to cater to a select few, disability or not is just not going to happen.
  2. DragoValhar

    New weapons?

    357 is in 925 Beta, but before they left for christmas they forgot to patch some servers to 925. So, the patch is out, but no servers are running it. Thus no 357
  3. DragoValhar

    Melee Discussion

    So I played the mod, probably a little too much, clearly recall a couple times when I played 24 hours straight only moving for food and such. Now albeit it was bad the melee was much better than currently in standalone at least from where I stand. Wanted to see others thoughts on the current state of it as well. I'm hoping by release the melee will be effective enough to use against players if I sneak up on them. -I'm only getting 20 frames a second which makes precise aiming for the head difficult to say the least. -Going toe to toe, while I know is a bad idea, turns out the zombie can strike me while I can seemingly not hit it with a baseball bat that extends my reach by a good two feet. -Melee weapons being damaged at such a rapid rate seems to have something to do with the lack of damage output and should be addressed quickly. The other problem is the zombies themselves, they aren't currently implemented well, and need pathing improvements as well as animation and hit box adjustment.
  4. DragoValhar

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Any eta on some preformance fixes? 2.93 GhZ i7 and 2GB Geforce 560 12GB Ram only 21-23 Frames.
  5. DragoValhar

    I just can't do it.

    I'll wait just the same, Unless there's a refund button I can press as soon as they start showing up.
  6. DragoValhar

    I just can't do it.

    The only reason I'm hesitant is the minimal zombies, and lack of vehicles, but most of all I don't want to buy it and then only three months down the road hackers start popping up again. That is a 100% Deal Breaker if people start teleporting around and spawning things in. It's just not gonna work. Thunder Domes all over again. I shudder at the thought.
  7. DragoValhar

    Combat Logging

    Well if the body can't remain I'd be happy knowing they died for it. Also if a friend is stupid enough to shoot you for giggles, and you die to a dc that is a very minimal issue that's a lot of RNG hitting you at once.. Try having less stupid friends I guess?
  8. DragoValhar

    Combat Logging

    End it. If someone DCs while in combat their character instantly is killed in the body remains. I have a couple friends with bad internet and we've not killed anyone in the last two weeks or so because combat logging is so rampant. End this Immediately. One of us DCs a lot, his internet kinda sucks and after three attmpted kills today he even says he wouldn't mind getting killed to a DC in combat. This is just beyond ridiculous at this point. If you can't handle dying then don't play the game. Period. It's a Survival game, and you will most likely eventually die. Part of the game.
  9. DragoValhar

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Okay, here's some constructive criticism. If an ALT-F4 happens in combat, the character is instantly killed and the body remains. In the last three weeks of playing every person we've almost killed has combat logged. This is ridiculous. if they can't deal with dying then they shouldn't play the game. Period.
  10. For Solo Snipers. Sabaton: White Death
  11. DragoValhar

    US 303 Dallas: Admin Ban for Teleporting?

    It doesn't appear you unbanned me, been busy and just tried to rejoin the server. Says I'm still banned.
  12. DragoValhar

    US 303 Dallas: Admin Ban for Teleporting?

    Thank you. And lol it was me using the Xbow of all things?
  13. DragoValhar

    US 303 Dallas: Admin Ban for Teleporting?

    Well that's cute considering I don't hack. And the Stream shows me clearly just running around with my XBow looting stuff for the last half hour. Perhaps dayz antihax needs to not be horrible? :/
  14. I don't hack, I've never hacked in any game I've ever owned. I hate the Practice and while nonchalantly looting Some town I get banned for teleporting. While I was streaming no less. http://www.twitch.tv...har/b/373706922 Video proof I wasn't teleporting, at any time before being banned. It may have been lag from XSplit streaming but I was not teleporting. Un-Ban Please and thank you.