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About imartyr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. further proving being a soloist sucks, i think its fair, if you choose to play solo then dont complain?
  2. imartyr

    Disconnect conduct question

    i dont see it as a combat log, as far as i would be concerned he had 5 minutes to hunt you down, his fault for having bad aim..
  3. imartyr

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    ProfileName: iMartyr Player ID (NotSteamID): 11088262 Why do you wish to join the Militia: got bored of running around up north more interested currently in securing a zone in a city environment. What can you offer the Militia: great tactical sense, along with a point man or rear guard duty. Are you a team player: very much so social interaction make this mod better then playing solo Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I've done it numerous times, still hasn't bothered me. Have you been with any other groups,and if so state which: my own group that i started with some friends who i have played numerous games with over the years, we generally wear the =ION= tag. Extra Information: my land nav skills aren't half bad, i know how to clear most buildings safely, and i don't mind dying to protect or save another.
  4. im not denying you killing them, im just saying i have yet to see them combat log, nor do they allow it, so it would be silly for them to do it.
  5. ive fought WDU 4 vs 7, not a single log from them, so i highly doubt it was them...
  6. imartyr

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    fun fight today guys, hope we can have some not so friendly engagements in the future.
  7. imartyr

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    =ION= my handle in game is different from my forums name.
  8. imartyr

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    my group has been playing on your lots server for a bit now, really enjoying it, we may have made contact with you once, not entirely sure.
  9. i also live in AZ, and run with a group of players, i tried adding you on steam, your profile seems to not be working..