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Alexx (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Alexx (DayZ)

  1. Alexx (DayZ)

    [trade] i want a L85 :)

    i got many
  2. Alexx (DayZ)

    Looking for group

    Im up north and have as50,ghillie and stuff
  3. Alexx (DayZ)

    Trading AS50 for 3 range finders

    i got many
  4. Alexx (DayZ)

    Rambo almost killed us

  5. Alexx (DayZ)

    NVGs for Range Finder

    I got many, if u wanna trade pm me ur skype
  6. Trust me u dont want M16 Acog
  7. Alexx (DayZ)

    To my killer t the NWAF

    were u killed in the forrest ?
  8. Alexx (DayZ)

    BIG CAMP blown up (Video)

  9. Alexx (DayZ)

    Friendly mode

  10. Alexx (DayZ)

    Graphic Glitch

    everyone has it
  11. Alexx (DayZ)

    Hacker victim helpline?

    pm me ur skype
  12. Alexx (DayZ)


  13. Alexx (DayZ)


    Theres propably no camp inside.. some troll just placed the wire fences.
  14. Alexx (DayZ)

    ATV for ghillie suit?

    Anyone wanna trade a ghillie suit for an ATV ?
  15. I joined the server, spawned unconcious and fucking bleeding and i died and lost all my stuff that i searched for 20 hours.. i was not in shock, getting shot or anything last time i disconnected the server..
  16. Alexx (DayZ)

    A cool way to lose 2 M107s and an m249 saw

    lol no one will get there, its near devils castle in the middle of nowhere
  17. Alexx (DayZ)

    A cool way to lose 2 M107s and an m249 saw

    I still have 2 M107s in my truck and some other weapons but its just lame to lose them like this..