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About Bigjoe

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  1. I reinstalled all mods, re installed latest update, I still get those errors listed, and sometimes i manage to get into the game but get kicked 10 seconds later
  2. Alright im currently using DAYZ commander, im reinstalling all of my mods/updates. is the "ARMA 2: 1000296" the beta patch, if its not, then how do i update my beta patch via dayz commander if possible, if not possible how to do so. Im not using steam.
  3. Upon Launching from DayZCommander I get a error saying: Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_counterattack' Once I am ingame I get a error saying: No entry 'bin\config.bin/Cfgvehicles/Citizen1.scope' I click ok and get error in lobby saying: 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_compact/Burst/ is not a value I click continue, now im sitting in lobby without any errors, I click ok and begin loading. I am locked up with a error that says: Cannot load Texture CA/utes\data\us_middle_mco.paa. Clicked continue and now im at the game page menu. Sometimes it lets me into the server but im removed right away saying I got kicked. The error's are consistant. EDIT: Forgot to include current updates: Dayz Commander: (Up to date) ARMA 2: 100296 (Up to Date) DAYZ: (Up to date) DAYZ: 1.1.2 (Up to date) DAYZ TAVIANA (DAYZTAVIANA.COM):2.0 (Up to date) DAYZ TAVIANA (DAYZLAND.EU): 1.5.0 (Up to date)
  4. Everyone in this game so far that ive met have been stubborn people. Ive been searching for DayZ if not weeks to find a fun group of friends on a voip to mess around with. I'de liek to be a bandit if possible but after my countless ingame hours ive yet to find a group, and i keep dieing from them nasty ladders :/
  5. Gives big hug of non homoness and begins to /cry as well
  6. "Waiting for server response" or "Loading" for DayZ EDIT: Oh.. and dont forget this crap on the forums: http://i.imgur.com/Pe1YJ.png
  7. I Love you. no homo Wish I could join you, if you wouldnt mind, im looking for a group just like yours. Please send me a message on here or add me on steam "Tehbigjoe" Thanks, im guessing you have a voip, info would be great if possible :)
  8. We've all been there. You get your precious gear and try to survive, when all seems good a bandit shoots you in the knee. Oh, and he murders your face off. Its time to stop with the kind survivalist and become a bandit. I am looking to meet with a group of active players, not a bunch of randoms. Yeah we all want to be in a group but I don't want to make one, I want to join one. The group HAS TO HAVE a VOIP of some sort, no exceptions, communication is key. I am not a noob, nor a bad player. Ive been asked this many times before and i'll quote it "How old are you" A: I am 17 years of age, and if I didn't tell you you would think i'm older on VOIP. I can be active 7 days a week but it has to work around my school schedule. Sunday: Latest ill stay up is 1:00AM on a sunday. Monday-Thursday: I sitting on my computer chair and done with school by 3:10PM Friday, Same as Monday-Thursday, however no school=no limit Saturday: I like to have my beauty sleep after my late hour night typically on fridays. And from there I can repeat with an all nighter. If you consider inviting me to your group please add me on STEAM "Tehbigjoe" Please do not invite me for other reasons, only specific for if you are interested in inviting me into your BANDIT group. Thank you.
  9. Hey everyone, Ive been desperately searching for a group of players to play DayZ with, the game isnt very interesting playing solo. I am in search of a small group of friend oriented players and not a bunch of randoms like I would be Tongue I have a mic and am open to any type of voip, whether it be Teamspeak,Mumble,Ventrillo, or skype. I was in a group before but it grew to large and was constantly of 8 players, which can be confusing and overwhelming at times especially when there are no names over their characters. I am looking for a group of a max of 3-4 current players which would turn into a 4-5 players group if i joined with. I dont mind if you Bandit/Anti Bandit/Survivor I am typically on my computer on the times given below keep in mind im pacific time. Sun: When I wake up and until 1:00AM latest. Mon: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Tues: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Wed: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Thur: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Fri: I am available to play at 3:00PM until I decide to get off Sat: When I wake up from my beauty sleep and until i decide to get off I HAVE STEAM: Search my steam name Tehbigjoe. Thanks, Joe aka, Bigjoe
  10. Hey everyone, Ive been desperately searching for a group of players to play DayZ with, the game isnt very interesting playing solo. I am in search of a small group of friend oriented players and not a bunch of randoms like I would be :P I have a mic and am open to any type of voip, whether it be Teamspeak,Mumble,Ventrillo, or skype. I was in a group before but it grew to large and was constantly of 8 players, which can be confusing and overwhelming at times especially when there are no names over their characters. I am looking for a group of a max of 3-4 current players which would turn into a 4-5 players group if i joined with. I dont mind if you Bandit/Anti Bandit/Survivor I am typically on my computer on the times given below keep in mind im pacific time. Sun: When I wake up and until 1:00AM latest. Mon: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Tues: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Wed: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Thur: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM Fri: I am available to play at 3:00PM until I decide to get off Sat: When I wake up from my beauty sleep and until i decide to get off I HAVE STEAM: Search my steam name Tehbigjoe. Thanks, Joe aka, Bigjoe
  11. Hey everyone, I am looking for a small bandit group to join, i am looking to be a 3rd or maybe 4th player in the bandit group. Any more then that im not interested. Ive been playing DayZ for about 1 1/2 weeks and only have had 2 deaths, both by bandits one shotting me :/ I am looking to meet a group of players with a voip (MUST HAVE VOIP) Thanks, Bigjoe, joe
  12. Hey everyone, ive been playing Dayz for the past i wanna say 1.5 weeks now. I really enjoy the game but i need more people to play with. I am looking for a small group that has a voip of some sort. I am looking to play with about 3, 4 player tops at a time. Any more ruins the game in my opinion. Now that zombies are 10x more it seems its near impossible to play solo. I am pacific day time hour. I play any time from Monday-Thursday 3:00pm untill 1:00am, Friday 3:00-When i get tired, Saturday and sunday, as much as i want If you are wondering, I am 17 years of age, most of my voip friend think im older but it doesnt matter anyway lol. I am not looking to meet individuals to join with, im looking for a friendly group of mature,trusty, and friend oriented group. Thank you, Joe, aka Bigjoe
  13. Hello everyone, I am looking to meet some new people to play with on this wonderful DayZ mod, I currently have aproximatley 24 hours involved ingame time on this game and it is really fun. I am in search of a active group of friendly players who like to play strageticly and play as a coordinated team. I dont mind what roll we play, im happy as being a bandit, bandit hunter, and just a plain ol surviver, all i want is to play with someone WE MUST have some type of communication device while we play, i have a working microphone. all i ask is that we have communication, no squeeky kids in voip, for you guys/gals to be active about 4 hours a day. and we play as a team and not greedy. I am a pacific time player My available game time is anywhere from Monday-Thursday (3:30PM-1:00AM) Friday (3:30PM-When I get tired.) Saturday-Sunday (When i get up-When i go to sleep) :P Thanks, Joe aka Bigjoe