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About thebulldog

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. fun read mate. I have two primaries, one M24 (?) in backpack. Haven't used it yet as I have heard backpacks will eat primary weapons. At least you found a crash site for another sniper rifle. Never been so geared! Good luck out there. Cheers
  2. thebulldog

    helicopter crash site

    Found one north east of green mountain in the field just outside the deer stand at the edge of the woods. Found a DMR with three mags and NVG's. First and only time with either of those weapons. Was a good haul. Haven't seen one since and that was a few weeks ago. Cheers
  3. thebulldog


    Learn, adapt, kill players trying to kill you, survive. There are plenty of ways to do it but knowing how to shoot something needs to be second nature. I spent a week playing in Electro and NWAF and learned valuable lessons getting my head shot off and returning the favour. Cheers
  4. will add you on skype. also eastern time. Cheers
  5. I dig getting into roleplay aspects of the game. A sandbox like this is first and foremost for me, a tool for my imagination.
  6. thebulldog

    Troll Santa Claus?

    That is something new to me. never met a friendly troll hacker before. Usually meet friendlies getting trolled by hackers. Cheers
  7. thebulldog

    Looking for chill players on US servers

    skype is imperiorcupiditas. I'm not a noob, but no expert by any means. I usually run solo but am always in for grouping up. Cheers
  8. thebulldog

    Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse

    Nice idea, though I currently am not in need of anything. I shall keep this in mind for when I get domed next. Cheers and beans.
  9. thebulldog

    day 22 ?

    Day 22?! playing everyday? Dunno how some of you do it. I've made 7 days once playing everyday for about 4-6 hours in two sessions but my luck usually runs out sooner than that. I travel indirect routes to my objectives using forest and terrain elevation for cover too. 22 days of surviving while playing has me impressed.
  10. Alt-f4 is lame. I've played survivor every character for like two months now. Today I played a bandit. Both roles got me geared up well enough to survive if I was careful. Either method can see you geared in under an hour depending on spawn. Why alt-f4 at all then? I admit I did it once the one time I had NVG's and felt like the wuss I was afterwards. Can't say I have missed the NVG's much and if I keep my wits about me, I can always drop someone who has em already. Would be nice if in the future alt-f4ing during combat wiped your inventory. Probably not doable but one can dream... Cheers
  11. thebulldog

    Could use more players on US 1313

    After reading this thread I am def gonna check the server out. You seem genuinely honest about getting killed (no DC or resets), check logs, and try to keep the place hacker free. Exemplary behaviour! Thanks for the server and the effort you put in running it. Cheers
  12. thebulldog

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    This. This is why I love this game. Player driven everything. You have my beans Colten, and to the clan, good luck and give em hell! Cheers
  13. thebulldog

    A boring afternoon in Stary Sobor...

    Excellent story! I have yet to meet anyone looting Stary (been VERY lucky with that) but its encounters like this that get me on edge every time I venture there. Seems like you had the right amount quick thinking as well as lucky breaks. A good read mate. Cheers
  14. thebulldog


    I sat in Electro today on a fresh spawn waiting for bandits to come and get easy kills. I managed to kill 2 bandits and then a survivor. After seeing the gear I got in about five minutes (compared to my usual routine of deer stand hopping across the map) I am def going bandit. Gonna head to the NWAF and start learning through attrition. humanity is -220 from 2500 for the survivor kill. Cheers
  15. thebulldog

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Nuke and Jamie came to aid me but upon relogging found my blood about 5000 and my food situation not an emergency. Their willingness to come to Electro to help me out is appreciated particularly considering the traffic there. Cheers