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Posts posted by Terraude

  1. Looking for more players to join our little squad. We use Teamspeak 3 and are hosting our own 40 man server and it's fairly new, so it's pretty rare to run into a military geared bandit. We've done a couple of NW airfield runs and are hoping to get a few more to join us. The majority of us are in West coast time, but we have members that are in East coast time. If it doesn't work out, you're more than welcome to use our server as your home server. Check us out at Death Korps Clan.

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  2. Well I'm actually being truthful when I say I'm new to the game, I rented the server so my small group of friends (just the 3 of us) have a home server to play in. As far as messing with the server, it's not like I'm changing anything big, just the server restart schedule, and the MOTD which actually required me to stop the server. If I would've known about the test mode, then yes I would've used that feature.

    I say rare items because for me, it's pretty hard to find gear in the game. I'm not a hardcore player with a big group and outfit everyone with end tier military gear. I'm not gonna argue with you guys and drag this on longer than it should. The only thing i'm guilty of is banning a logger and not of making your truck full of items disappear. When a dev does look into this I just hope that the logs will show that I didn't abuse my admin rights.

  3. To zerogravity and neuromancer: Calm down, I've lost many uncommon/rare items that I've placed in my tent after saving it everytime due to the server restarts. When the server was down for a while it's because I was changing the MOTD, messing with the server auto restart function and trying to figure out how to ban a logger. Sorry that your your car along with your items disappeared, but I can assure you that I didn't stop/restart the server cause you raided our stuff, we don't even have access to a vehicle; spawn rates are ridiculous. Also, we don't even know how to lock a server, although I've read the T&C and it states that it's a big no no.

  4. If you dont run for pvp care to explain why you disconnected/connected multiple times while the flare was up? I kept the front door posted and after you disconnected around the 3-4th time in a couple of minutes that's when we decided to talk about banning you. From what I've read disconnecting to avoid death is an exploit, like I said tough luck you got caught by an admin. And it's not like we insta banned you we actually looked through the logs.

  5. But you failed to mention that you disconnected after you killed the first guy in the barracks and realized there were 3 of us in that building. Yes, one of the players you killed was an admin, but he wasn't the one that banned you, I did. I camped the door outside the barracks while the flare was on and seen you connect/disconnect in a short time.We talked about it and after seeing you log in and out multiple times in a spawn of a couple of minutes through the .RPT logs. Bad luck for us that you spawned behind us as we were leaving the barracks, but bad luck for you got you got caught logging off to avoid a death. Maybe next time don't log off when you are about to get shot.

  6. I'm the owner of seattle 102 and I never locked the server. I'm still new at the game and being an admin, but I'm not dumb enough to break the T&C and lock the server. If this happened last night, it's probably because I was messing with the automated server restarts, and was trying to figure out how to ban a player after he was caught logging to avoid getting killed. Also, my friends and I are fairly new to the game and we don't even have access to any vehicles. So sorry to burst your bubble, but I wasn't abusing my admin rights.

    Also, I did stop the server this morning to change the MOTD, to let the players know that they will be banned if they get caught logging to avoid death.
