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Everything posted by ExTheSea

  1. This is a problem of 1.7.2. I think it will get fixed soon.
  2. ExTheSea

    Can't join servers since update

    The problem is server side. Rocket is working on a hot fix. I have the same problem and i'm an arma x user. Just be patient.
  3. ExTheSea

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm looking forward to this patch because then I can finally play this mod. Does anyone know how to get in the closed testing or when the final patch will be out?
  4. Hello. I have a problem. I just buyed Arma X and got myself DayZ. Now when I want to connect to a Server it says "This Server is running an incorrect version of the server side application....". Does anyone have an idea to solve my problem?
  5. ExTheSea

    Need Help. Can't connect to games.

    So I found out that I have a wrong ID because I bought the ArmA X retail version. I head that this will get fixed in a patch. Is there any info about when the patch will get release?