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Tonythetiger (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Tonythetiger (DayZ)

  1. So it finally happened. This little place finally got FUBAR and they left me behind. The land is ominously peaceful, the sounds of wildlife non existent. I remember few things from my journey, mostly the sound of the ocean as I washed upon the beach. Hearing the roar of a helicopter overhead, screaming at the top of my lungs "DOWN HERE, DOWN HERE!" to no avail. In my pack, a nine millimeter and a few mags, some cans of baked beans, and some pain meds. Enough to keep me afloat for a day, if I manage. Unfortunately, it was fast becoming dark. With the water on my left, I started jogging. I thought, not a bad idea, to just run towards the west. I'll surely find civilization. Instead, I arrived at what appeared to be a small town, hardly a civilization, with darkness looming overhead. In the grim greyness of early twilight, I first heard it. The sound of a moan, or was that a choke. Narrowing my eyes to see, I spotted it a hundred meters off. Looked like a drunk man, shambling outside of his house. I needed a place to stay, maybe this poor sod would let me in. My run didn't halt, my approach hastened by the hope of warmth for the night. Within ten meters, the bastard gurgled again before screaming. I thought, maybe he'd soiled himself in his stupor. Well, if he had soiled himself it had given him superhuman speed. The man turned and came right for me, and thats when I saw it. Chunks of brain and flesh in his mouth, oozing out uneaten. His limbs were rotted and his flesh, dead. Of course, this at first disturbed me. I found perhaps I would make a similar brick in my pants and take flight as he had, but I think I would have been eaten before then. When he was within three meters my instincts kicked in. Pop pop pop, my pistol clipped three shots into the running man. He fell at my feet with a gurgle, missing the back of his skull and his left leg. Satisfied he was alone, I gave a triumphant whistle which was cut short by more groans, but they sounded very close. The first one that jumped on my back surprised me, taking a bite out of my shoulder before I flung him off. He earned a similar fate as his friend, and in the muzzle flash I saw them. Another six...things, all wanting a piece of me. I let the remainder of my magazine fire to where I thought they were, before I was forced to reload after a "click click click" sound from the gun. At this, speed was on my side, the groans sounded weaker, and with the last glimmer of visible light I killed the final threat to my life. Memory kicked in, I made my way into the man's house, bleeding from the festering wound on my shoulder. Inside, he didn't have much at all. Just an old shotgun and some shells I thought surely wouldn't work. After taking the time to bandage myself, eat the beans and get a sip of water in my system, it was time to leave. The stench of death was overpowering. With my new shotgun and loaded slugs, I set off once more. This time, I would go to the woods. There at least among the forest, I could manage to find sleep without getting eaten, I hoped.
