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Everything posted by Golgo82
24h cycles actually break the immersion for me. It is possible to die of starvation/dehydration several times within one day/night cycle of a 24h server. Dont get me wrong, I dont want total "realism" where i could go without food for 3 weeks or without water for 3 days, that would entirely defeat the purpose of the survival mechanics (looting, cooking, resting) already in place providing a meaningful experience to the gameplay and we all have to face one fact: As much as rocket calls DayZ some kind of anti-game it is and always will be a game. I still think that the overall baseline time to starve/dehydration should at least somewhat be reflected in the actual passing of time. I also dont like that I am kind of "forced" to do one or the other. Playing at day or playing at night. I would actually like to experience both..and not by logging from a daylight server to a nighttime server but instead by the time actually passing in a somewhat simulated way that makes it possible to have that dynamic change of scenery gradually happen in a gameplay session. Especially for people with something similar to a 9-to-5-job this can get quite annoying, logging through servers until you can actually "do" something. I think nighttime play and especially the lighting engine need a rework. Right now Flashlights come in two flavors and both kind of taste like shit. Flavor one is the handheld flashlight..which is the single most useless object in dayz. Even more so than toiletpaper in the mod. Your flashlight barely helps you see anything and it gets worse (you see even less) the closer an object is to you. Trying to look for food in a rural home? Get fucked! Handling is clunky and weird, light doesnt work like that IRL and every enemy (currently: every player not on your steam friends list) in a 2km radius can see you lighting up the house like its an asian paper lamp. Oh yeah..and it gives away your location. You are an "idiot" if you dont try to exploit gamma like every bushcamping wannabe-bandit or selfrighteous wannabe hero already does. Another thing to note is that you are utterly defenseless thanks to the flashlights apparent weight of 20 pounds which forces your Survivor to wield it with both hands, unable to equip even a knife or pistol. Best usage for a flashlight at night while having a buddy around? Stay outside of the location you want to loot. Flick the switch and point the torch at the approximate location of the desired room, have your friend go inside and enjoy a house that is lit up like amsterdams redlight district. Because apparently houses in Chernarus are made of indestructable paper. The other one, the headtorch does at least shine where you want it to. Kind of. But dont you dare switch to a weapon and aim down sights. Btw same thing to do when skulking about the nights with a buddy, let him enter, hide in a bush flick the switch and just look at the house - easy loot for the bros. Something just has to be done, not "right naow" of course, because its alpha, but somewhere down the line some hard calls have to be made design-decision-wise, regarding what nighttime-gameplay should be like, same with the third/first person debate, combatlogging (and yes, if I tell you to drop your weapon, get on your knees and you just log out - that is combat logging), serverhopping, ghosting and so on.
Chernarus Map Parts and Combinations: Chernarus NW + Chernarus NE = Chernarus N Map Chernarus NE + Chernarus SE = Chernarus E Map Chernarus SE + Chernarus SW = Chernarus S Map Chernarus NW + Chernarus SW = Chernarus W Map Chernarus N + Chernarus E + Chernarus W + Chernarus S = Chernarus Map Maps I have found so far came in quarter and half pieces (ie Chernarus NE or SW as well as Chernarus S or E) not sure if complete maps are also in the loot tables. I am also unsure wether you can combine an N Map with an SE map for 3/4 map coverage.
<<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>
Golgo82 replied to Zeeb (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
1. Kind of okay..even though rocket has stated that there will be no skill system in DayZ (AFAIK..his stance could have changed, time - or rocket will tell) 2. NPC camps with guards and all that jazz? Lol..probably not gonna happen. Why? Because - again AFAIK - rocket wants DayZ to be about player interaction...not npc interaction. That thing about bandits being shunned from there falls into the category of punishing a certain playstyle which rocket also has stated to not be in his vision of DayZ. 3. Some kind of "safe" trading might not be too bad, but that is something the playerbase can..and should try to establish..I faintly remember back in the day there was this Freeside Trader Clan..something like that. 4. Again, player Interaction > NPC interaction..also these camps would make the rarity of weapons obsolete and be permafarmed for easy gear aquirement so, never gonna happen. 5. This, again is something that should be made by the playerbase Bounty Hunting/Law enforcer Clans..not wow-esque killquests where turning in 10 dwarf ears gives you a battleaxe of ogre decapitation. 6. Oh Its magic time again, thats nice. So the characters should magically know if someone has done good/bad deeds..thats cute! And is hopefully never gonna happen. And please dear god (rocket) dont let yourself get pressured to include "bandit/hero skins" that was a really bad idea - wouldnt really work that well with the current clothing system and is overbearingly immersion breaking and "unrealistic" (wanted to use that word for a long time in a dayz-related context, so here you go). 7. So Heros get stuff like Faster movement, more stamina, more health/blood and need less food/drink? That doesnt sound stupidly overpowered, biased and shoehorned at all. Never gonna happen. 8. Humanity, a system that will be incredibly difficult and timeconsuming to develop. How exactly would the humanity system determine if the three guys I just shot in self defense (they were charging me with axes when I told them I was friendly) were legitimate kills? How does the system know when a bandit is punching newbies unconscious at the bus station in kamenka, then uses saline bags to heal them up to get hero status? There are so many ways a system like that could get exploited and with the ridiculous amount of goodies to go with being a goody two-shoes *everyone* would try to find a way to work his/her way around that. 9. Dangerous places, that you would only be able to overcome with the right gear and teamwork. Well, as long as that danger would be environmental hazards, remote locations and massive zombie hordes, then fuck yes! If it would entail a military base with NPC Soldier/Mercenary/Bandit Inhabitants then hell no! -
I love people like you, that obviously do not know that "your superior language" actually originated from germanic anglo-saxons in the 5th century, who themselves came from Angeln which is Schleswig-Holstein in fucking Germany. I don't like this idea, but what I like even less are condescending, arrogant, ignorant, misinformed people that seem to thrive in the anonymity of the internet.
Actually to a Player on foot, the M107 does exactly the same. Ruin your dayZ with one hit.
Exactly my thoughts.
AFAIK all those skins are Vanilla Skins which means they cant use backpacks (only DLC PMCand later can, again AFAIK). So making those skins compatible to use backpacks could use quite some time, while I think that this time would be better used somewhere else to actually further the development of the standalone. Besides I would rather see actual character customization instead of humanity based forced looks, which basically makes this a TDM Game with friendly fire, full loot and hunger/thirst.
so..if i want to loot the airfield with no player interference, all I have to do is drop my shit in a tent, then run in, loot the heck out of it, put all guns into my backpack and run back to "safety"? How will you govern this to prevent people exploiting it? Are you still invincible if you have a hatchet in your toolbelt, for when you meet that really decked out guy to fuck him up as soon as he turns around? Can I enter godmode after someone fired at my location by dropping my guns in my backpack, then run up at him and and wait for him to do something stupid? (you know like turning around, running away - basically everything except a logout until he has dropped his weapon into his backpack aswell) You could also get anybody killed by luring hordes of Zeds to them so they are forced to run forever or equip a weapon and then murder them as soon as they're trying to defend themselves. This is a horribly stupid idea. No offense.
This as well as an extended medical system with alternative treatment possibilities for different injuries(splint and morphine for broken bones, etc) and the separation of ammo(rounds) from mags/clips would make for a truly awesome DayZ standalone experience.
Ok lets talk facts then. How much KO-Damage? Obviously Onehit-KO is out of the question. What range should they be effective at? Obviously much lower than conventional firearms due to much lower muzzle velocity (since it shouldnt be deadly) How would KO work? Would you be just unconscious and (like now) unlootable? etc..
Headlamps (using a NVG/Bino/Rangefinder Slot) YES Removing anything whatsoever NO Adding a battery-lifetime system for electronic devices (Flashlight, NVG, Thermal/NV Optics, Headlamps, GPS) YES
After a long time of consideration, I wholeheartedly vote "Hell NO!"
Oh looks like I got myself a smart one here..not smart enough to actually understand what I read, but I'm going to humor you anyway. 1. I have never complained about getting shot in Cherno, Sherlock. I am simply stating that this change will not affect Cherno Whoring whatsoever. 2. I'm not quite sure if you are trolling, not able to read and/or understand what I wrote there, but lets try again. By successfully defending(you know returning fire) your life against Murder-attempts(you know people that shoot you first) from others you will become a bandit, if these attackers aren't flagged as bandits themselves yet. This can't be too hard to understand, but if it is - you have my condolonces.
I made an updated weapon chart on gdocs
Golgo82 replied to Izviral's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yes there is Muzzle Velocity ingame but it is dependant on the cartridge fired, not the weapon. The M16 series is chambered for 5.56x45mm Nato rounds, exactly the same thing the M4 series fires. Overall all Hollowpoint ammunition is designed to tumble/deform when hitting tissue to maximize trauma - that still doesnt mean its a one shot kill. Especially the case in this game where calibre states how much damage a weapon does. What weapon damage bugs? are you talking about the patched small calibre damage values from the last Arma2 Betapatch? These arent bugs..they are intended "fixes" -
Dogs as Detectors of Humanity
Golgo82 replied to SalamanderAnder (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
What if i'm not a bandit and would still prefer a mastiff/rottweiler instead of a german shepherd? -
Yes and obviously nothing is better to "hide" your identity than something that clearly identifies oneself as a bandit. Are you people even thinking this through or are you just raging that someone shot you in cherno? The "prob" is that the system determining who becomes a bandit and who doesn't is deeply flawed. I became a Bandit once for surviving 5 attempts on my life in the first 70 minutes of a freshly spawned character. Obviously because I was better/more lucky than my attackers (who funnily enough weren't designated as bandits) and was able to end them, before they could end me I was rewarded with being a bandit. This is not working as intended and if it is - its stupid. You people might rejoice at first, but this will in no way at all affect the Cherno whores and stop them from sniping you. it will just ensure that people that aren't bandits by community definition will become rewarded for fighting off a few attackers with DayZ's own official KOS-Tag. This needs to be adressed before there are any stupid, immersion breaking magical indicators whatsoever.
Trading high-tier loot for good intel on {CQF} operations
Golgo82 replied to DayZ Dan's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
By Meta-Gaming I assume you are talking about.. -extrasensory Perception and telepathic Communication (Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Skype/aso..) -Ninja Lore/Omniscience (outgame maps/knowledge from previous incarnations of yourself and friends) -Space/Time Travel (logging in/out onto/from different servers) which you obviously never use yourself, right? In that case I have to agree with you, Meta Gaming is sad indeed. -
Dogs as Detectors of Humanity
Golgo82 replied to SalamanderAnder (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
There will be no ingame-judgement on any player if rocket stays true to what he initially promised, therefore there will be no ingame-penalty to anyone doing their thing, no matter what that thing is. As I said before the current humanity system is just too easily exploitable/unrefined to be used with any type of murder indicator, since you can basically become a bandit by self-defence.. -
Masked robbery\assasination (bandit skins)
Golgo82 replied to Knollte's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
<_< -
Loose bullets, mags and loading your own magazines.
Golgo82 replied to andrewmont's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This has been suggested before..and is worth looking into, since it could reduce the COD'ness and make scavenging for the right stuff a little bit more important. Not to mention that nagging realism aspect that always bugs me for not being able to fill my FAL(7.62x51mm Nato) mags with those stupid DMR(7.62x51mm Nato) ammo that seems to be growing on trees. -
Dogs as Detectors of Humanity
Golgo82 replied to SalamanderAnder (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
That is actually a great idea as a mechanic for the planned dog feature. The only problem right now is, that its not really clear what increases and what lowers humanity as well as the question of how it is determined that you actually "murdered" someone. Basically the Murder-Mechanic needs to be tweaked so it kind of makes sense. Shooting unarmed people(except Zeds ofc) is currently regarded as murder..but what if that unarmed guy you let live is stealing from your backpack and doesnt refrain from doing so, even though you threatened him to stop? What about accidental weapon discharges/friendly fire that kills a (IRL or IG) squadmate? Should Humanity raise or drop by giving Transfusions to people? Should humanity drop if you give Transfusions to a bandit? What about being "forced" to do the aforementioned or doing it unknowingly? There are just so many issues with the current humanity that should be resolved/tweaked before *any* Indicator no matter how subtle should be introduced. That would mean a penalty for a "certain playstyle" and shouldnt be considered. There are really bad people out there with even meaner dogs as their best friends. -
Choose between restart with nothing or with our stuff
Golgo82 replied to stewwy's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
How about no? -
I don't like that other people have vehicles, lets remove those too! ...
The FAL is a Beast. If you cant use it..you dont deserve it. Oh yeah and NO to the removing things part.
So...classes all over again..eh? oh..sorry i mean traits, because being a doctor would be a trait..not..you know a class or ..a job... anyway, problem with classes/traits/whwatever will always be to make them equally useful. The ones named here for example wouldnt work, because one) of them is absolutely vital (Doctor) and the others are several kinds of utterly useless.