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About Sanos

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sanos

    No entry'.profilePathDefault'. cant join any dayz games

    hah, thats cool, how do i do that?
  2. Sanos

    Players deleting .pbo's

    uh, okay, i didnt know they knew of this problem
  3. There are players that have been deleting their .pbo's so they cant see buildings,animals,trees, etc. therefore making these objects non-existant and allowing them to just pass through them. This problem needs to be fixed somehow and quickly.
  4. Sanos

    Putting the Good Stuff in OUR Hands

    How are you so sure that your bandit "Friends" wont just turn around and kill you? Atleast i know im safe around my medics and dont have to be looking over my shoulder and knowing in the back of my mind my own "Friend" could kill me at any moment.
  5. We can only use a very small portion of the map. Please Dayz make the map bigger so there is more to explore and to keep it interesting
  6. Sanos

    Clan needed

    I have Ventrilo and Mumble and if needed i will download TS3, if the clan has a camp, that would be great but if not then it is fine and we will build one. I will only join if the clan is on a regular server, so i could see the names. Also i have been playing for a while so i know what to do and how to play.
  7. Sanos

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    There is a problem that really needs to be fixed- Zombies can go through doors. This problem is very serious and has caused me and im betting alot of other people to restart their character