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Malcolm Reynolds

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Everything posted by Malcolm Reynolds

  1. Malcolm Reynolds

    Buried Stash idea.

    I think it could be cool if you were able to use the entrenching tool to place a hidden stash that you dug into the ground, I figure you could use the already existing campfire model just make it slightly larger, so that there would be a chance someone found your stash and cleaned you out. Also maybe make it so you can only have one per server possibly and the inventory space was limited far under the camping tent. Just an idea, I'm sure someone has suggested a hidden stash but this is my version. -MR
  2. Malcolm Reynolds

    Buried Stash idea.

    I like it, i would say larger than 2 items and yes i completely agree with dogs being able to sniff them out.
  3. Malcolm Reynolds

    Buried Stash idea.

    Hmmm... Free will... I think I won't.
  4. Malcolm Reynolds

    Seattle 48 name change?

    Lost the server I like to play on. Does anyone have the new name or an IP for it?
  5. Malcolm Reynolds

    Seattle 48 name change?

  6. Player Name: Korpio Server: Seattle 48 Time: 1:30ish (-5 gmt) I don't know how or If you even can find someones player ID. Player sniped and kill a couple people in my group. I stalked him and found him, I fired and he disconnected. -MR