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Everything posted by GFischer

  1. GFischer

    Don't Fuck with a humvee

    My buddy got killed by the guy in the white car..little did he know that we had a Humvee.
  2. Whenever I try to join a Breaking point server, I join, i play for like 2 mins and then i get kicked. It doesnt tell me why...does anyone know what is wrong.
  3. GFischer

    DayZ Firefight!

    Intense DayZ Firefight near the coast! Outnumbered by many people, My friend and I play it smart, let the multiple enemies kill each other before we jump and and finish them off. ~~~How it all started~~~ My friend and I were driving our Ural down the road near Solnichniy/Three Valleys when a random bandit shot out one of our tires. We then pulled over, gave pursuit and I ended up shooting him but he still got away. After this, we began to search the nearby buildings for a tire so we could get out of there. After searching for 10 minutes or so, we were making our way back to the Ural when we started hearing gunshots from the gun that shot our Ural tire out. Turns out that a mini war was started. The rest is in the video...
  4. GFischer

    How to surrender!

    I don't understand what everyone is talking about :P
  5. GFischer

    DayZ Funny

    it was a fun time :P
  6. GFischer

    How to surrender!

    For people saying that you never surrender...lol I know, but there was this one time when this guy was behind me, and he said put your hands up and i didnt know how so he shot me
  7. Anyone know what the Ancient Riddle is all about?
  8. GFischer

    Lingor Island Prison

    just showing off the prison and the loot, nothing more nothing less
  9. GFischer

    Lingor Island Prison

    lol you have my beans, thank you. Honestly, the stuff people complain about
  10. GFischer

    Taking a bullet for a friend

    ***Just so everyone knows, I didn't spawn in the box ^^^